英國宣佈建高速鐵路 衝擊數個保育信託地 | 環境資訊中心

英國宣佈建高速鐵路 衝擊數個保育信託地


未來圖中的高速鐵路,提供時速達250英里的載客服務。(英國交通部提供)在環保與保育團體反對聲浪中,英國運輸大臣葛林寧( Justine Greening )宣佈了將興建1條高速鐵路,從2026年起,提供更優質的乘載服務。





奇爾特地區的緩丘和片片原野(Lonfunguy版權所有)在倫敦西北部數英里遠的奇爾特地區,HS2穿越總長13英里的自然優美風景區(Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)。這地方原始,保有石灰岩緩丘(rolling chalk hills)、山毛櫸林(beechwoods)、片片原野和明徹小溪流瀉其中。


「向HS2說不」運動召集人喬伊魯金(Joe Rukin)則認為葛林寧口口聲聲說要保護環境,但明明建造更多的隧道,需要的幾處施工點就越大,花費的能源也就跟著大增,而且行駛隧道需耗費更多的能源,到後來只會擴大災害發生率,而且二氧化碳的濃度鐵定不減反增。


博利威自然保護區裡的狐狸(Min Brandon拍攝)負責47處地方信託案的野生物信託(The Wildlife Trusts)對政府通過HS2興建案覺得遺憾,說道:「興建HS2一定會衝擊野生生物和週遭環境。」

野生物信託的研究結果中可以見得,興建倫敦到伯明罕的第一階段路線,會嚴重影響50種當地原生的原始林地,這些林地無法在他處存活,另外也影響貝希斯坦蝙蝠(Bechstein's bat),俗稱鼠耳蝠,和黑髮紋湖蝶(black hairstreak butterfly)的棲地。

野生物信託組織生活願景部門的保羅威爾金森主任談道: 「葛林寧說政府承諾一定把興建HS2對野生物會造成的影響『降至最低』。」不過她所祭出的保護措施只在降低HS2的噪音,和保留環境區域視覺上的美觀,而改成隧道形式如此而已,治標不治本。改成隧道並不會因此保護了孱弱的棲地,而且建造過程中甚至更容易破壞棲地。這次協調結果,政府終於意識到興建HS2會影響野生物,而開始關注環境保護。」



British Government Clears Track for High Speed Rail Network
LONDON, UK, January 12, 2012 (ENS)

Britain will build a national high speed rail network providing new seating capacity and faster travel across the country from 2026, Transport Secretary Justine Greening announced Tuesday, over the objections of environmentalists and wildlife groups.

The high speed trains on the new Y-shaped rail network called HS2 will link stations in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield and the East Midlands, moving up to 26,000 people an hour at speeds of up to 250 miles per hour.

High speed trains also will connect with the existing West Coast and East Coast main lines to serve passengers beyond the HS2 network in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Durham, York, Darlington, Liverpool, Preston, Wigan and Lancaster.

The first phase, to be built by 2026, will be a new 140 mile line between London and Birmingham and an undersea connection to the rest of Europe via the Channel Tunnel.

In the second phase due for completion by 2033, lines built from Birmingham to Leeds and Manchester. A formal consultation on second phase routes will begin in early 2014 with a final route to be chosen by the end of 2014.

The HS2 route runs through 13 miles of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty a few miles northwest of London - an unspoiled area of rolling chalk hills, beechwoods, fields and clear streams.

Greening, a Conservative MP, who became Transport Secretary on October 14, 2011, announced that to mitigate the environmental impact on Chilterns, less than two miles of the route through this area will be at or above surface level and much of the line will run underground.

Joe Rukin, who is the co-ordinator of Stop HS2 Campaign, points out that the minister had said she was concerned about environmental damage, "but when she announced more tunnels for HS2 she upped the environmental damage, both due to now needing larger construction depots and the fact more energy and more energy is needed to run through tunnels. Now it is certain that HS2 will lead to an increase in carbon emissions."

Several reports have indicated that the project is likely to be roughly carbon neutral.

The Wildlife Trusts, representing 47 local trusts, expressed "disappointment" over the government's approval of HS2, saying, "Serious damage to wildlife and habitats is expected as a result of the route's construction."

Research by The Wildlife Trusts shows the route for HS2 phase one, to run from London to Birmingham, could threat includes 50 irreplaceable ancient woodlands and the habitat of rare species such as Bechstein's bat and black hairstreak butterfly."

Paul Wilkinson, head of Living Landscape for The Wildlife Trusts, said, "The Transport Secretary says Government is committed to the 'lowest feasible impact' on wildlife. Yet the mitigation measures announced focus on the noise and visual impact of HS2. They include tunnels in various locations. Tunnels will not necessarily prevent damage to fragile habitats - their construction could even make matters worse. It is vital that the impacts on wildlife are not overlooked yet again in this process."

Seven local wildlife trusts are affected by the route for HS2's phase one from London to Birmingham.

In London, over 18 wildlife sites could be adversely affected, including Perivale Wood in Ealing, Britain's second oldest nature reserve, which opened in 1902.




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.