研究:特殊藻類可用來製造生物燃料 | 環境資訊中心



Kathryn Coyne在他的實驗室中培養赤潮異彎藻(照片由德拉瓦大學提供;攝影:Kathy F. Atkinson)。研究發現,一種會在自然環境中形成有毒優養化的海洋浮游藻類,可被利用來製造生物乙醇的原料,有機會成為交通工具燃料的新來源。

美國德拉瓦大學科學家發現,赤潮異彎藻(學名Heterosigma akashiwo)尤其適合用來製造生物乙醇原料,因為這種藻類生存在高一氧化氮的環境,而一氧化氮是火力發電廠排放之煙道氣的成份之一。

「赤潮異彎藻在一氧化氮環境中非常活躍,不但成長速度增加一倍,細胞也比在沒有一氧化氮的環境下更大。」德拉瓦大學地球海洋環境學院海洋生物學副教授Kathryn Coyne指出。









It Takes a Special Algae to Make Biofuel
NEWARK, Delaware, July 2, 2013 (ENS)

A species of swimming marine algae that forms toxic algal blooms in the natural environment can be harnessed to grow a feedstock for bioethanol to fuel vehicles.

The algae Heterosigma akashiwo are uniquely suited for this task because they can live and thrive in an atmosphere high in nitric oxide, a component of the flue gases emitted by fossil-fueled power plants, scientists at the University of Delaware have demonstrated.

“The algae thrive on the gas,” said Kathryn Coyne, associate professor of marine biosciences in the university’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment. “They grow twice as fast and the cells are much larger in size compared to when growing without gas treatment.”

In fact, the microscopic cells grow rapidly on a gas mixture that has the same carbon dioxide and nitric oxide content as flue gas. As the algae grow they make large amounts of carbohydrates, which can be converted into bioethanol.

Coyne and her team have found a large increase in carbohydrates when the algae grow on flue gas as compared to air.

Heterosigma akashiwo is naturally found worldwide, says Coyne, an expert in algal blooms.

She discovered that the species may have a special ability to neutralize nitric oxide, a harmful gas that poses threats to environmental and human health.

The U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances describes nitric oxide as a sharp sweet-smelling gas at room temperature that is nonflammable but is one of the “most toxicologically significant nitrogen oxides.”

Nitrogen oxides are released to the air from the exhaust of motor vehicles, the burning of coal, oil, or natural gas, and during processes such as arc welding, electroplating, engraving, and dynamite blasting.

Low levels of nitrogen oxides in the air can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. Breathing high levels of nitrogen oxides can be fatal.

The characteristic ability of this algae to neutralize nitric oxide and grow on a gas containing it prompted Coyne and her team to investigate whether it could grow on carbon dioxide without getting killed off by the high nitric oxide content in power plants’ flue gas.

The algae need no other nitrogen sources beyond the nitric oxide in flue gas to grow, a cost-saving method of raising Heterosigma akashiwo for biofuel production.

“This alone could save up to 45 percent of the required energy input to grow algae for biofuels,” Coyne said.

Development of their technology could support a national focus on carbon pollution reduction that would complement President Barack Obama’s major speech last week on climate change, Coyne said.

“Our approach to the issue is to not just produce biofuels,” she said, “but to also use this species for bioremediation of industrial flue gas to reduce harmful effects even further.”

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.