美國修訂國家公園管理政策 以保育優先 | 環境資訊中心

美國修訂國家公園管理政策 以保育優先


美國加州優勝美地國家公園根據內政部長柯偉德(Dirk Kempthorne)20日發布的管理政策最新版草案,美國國家公園內一旦出現資源保護與資源的衝突時,應以保育優先。此項草案中明言:「公園的管理,應以避免損及自然及文化資源為目的,並應以優於目前的狀況傳給至後世。」這份草案已獲得環保團體、企業界以及公園管理領導階層的贊同。

Latest U.S. Park Management Policies Greeted With Approval
WASHINGTON, DC, June 20, 2006 (ENS)
When there is a conflict between resource protection and use in U.S. national parks, conservation will prevail, according to the latest draft of management policies issued Monday by Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne. Parks should be managed to prevent the impairment of natural and cultural resources, which should be passed on to future generations in a better condition than now exists, the draft states. Environmental, industry and parks leaders approve.