「鯊魚劍」鋸鰩瀕危 IUCN提全球保育計畫 | 環境資訊中心

「鯊魚劍」鋸鰩瀕危 IUCN提全球保育計畫



大齒鋸鰩(Pristis microdon)出沒於印度洋西太平洋交界的熱帶水域,分布範圍從東非到新幾內亞、菲律賓、越南和澳洲。(圖:Simon Fraser University Public Affairs and Media Relations)

鋸鰩5種全為瀕危以上等級 用作魚翅、展示、藥用




誤捕後存活率高 鋸鰩復育不難 但仍須努力


「雖然鋸鰩在許多地區都瀕臨滅絕,但其實有些簡單的方法可幫助復育。舉例來說,我們知道只要妥善的處理,鋸鰩可以在被誤捕後順利存活下來,因此我們保育策略的重心將放在商業型、生計型和娛樂型捕撈者的基礎教育上。」IUCN鯊魚小專案共同主席、昆士蘭詹姆士庫克大學環境科學教授Colin Simpfendorfer博士說。



Global Protection Strategy Proposed for Endangered Sawfish
DURBAN, South Africa, June 5, 2014 (ENS)

A global strategy to prevent extinction and promote recovery of sawfishes, devastated worldwide by overfishing and habitat loss, was introduced today by the Shark Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN.

Sawfishes – warm water, shark-like rays characterized by long, toothed snouts, or rostra – are the largest of the rays, reaching over seven meters in length.

Once found in the coastal waters and rivers of more than 90 tropical and subtropical countries, all five species are today classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.

The strategy is being launched at the Sharks International conference in Durban and coincides with announcements that two West Africa countries – Guinea and Guinea Bissau – are proposing the listing of sawfishes under the Convention on Migratory Species in November, an action that could boost protections.

Mortality from targeted and incidental fishing is the main threat to sawfish. Their rostra, which they use to detect and wound prey, are easily entangled in many types of fishing gear, particularly trawls and gillnets.

The destruction of key habitats, such as mangroves, also poses a threat to sawfish survival.

“Although these species are perilously close to extinction in many regions, there are some fairly simple ways to help populations recover. For example, we know that sawfish can actually survive capture quite well if handled properly, and hence, basic education of commercial, subsistence, and recreational fishers is central to our conservation strategy,” said Dr. Colin Simpfendorfer, IUCN SSG Co-Chair, Professor of Environmental Science at James Cook University in Queensland.

Dr. Simpfendorfer led the development of the U.S. recovery plan that has improved the status of smalltooth sawfish in Florida.

To complement an existing ban on commercial international sawfish trade, the new strategy calls for national and regional actions to prohibit intentional killing of sawfish, minimize mortality of accidental catches, protect sawfish habitats, and ensure effective enforcement of such safeguards.

Sawfish rostra are universally valued as curios and have been used in traditional medicine in many countries including Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Iran, India, and China. The rostral teeth are prized as cockfighting spurs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sawfish meat is consumed in some places; sawfish fins are exceptionally valuable for shark fin soup in Asia. The species also serve as popular aquarium attractions.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.