G8高峰會於俄羅斯召開 普汀將提起核能與氣候問題 | 環境資訊中心

G8高峰會於俄羅斯召開 普汀將提起核能與氣候問題











Putin Pledges to Raise NGO Nuclear, Climate Concerns at G8 Summit
MOSCOW, Russia, July 7, 2006 (ENS)

A ban on further development of nuclear power, and strict controls on greenhouse gas emissions linked to global warming were among the recommendations of some of the world's largest nongovernmental organizations in advance of the Group of Eight summit, which Russia will host July 15 to 17 in St. Petersburg. Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the NGOs and promised to bring their resolutions up for discussion at the G8 Summit.

More than 100 nongovernmental organizations from around the world, some representing hundreds of other groups, held a two day forum in Moscow Monday and Tuesday by means of a process called the Civil Eight 2006 that is new this year to the G8 cycle of meetings.

The Civil G8 statement on global energy security began with the declaration that human combustion of fossil fuels is directly responsible for global warming and all its environmental consequences.

"Non-controlled growth of production, transportation and burning of fossil fuels has negative, oppressive impact to the environment, and results in negative anthropogenic climate change, growth of the related negative phenomena – hurricanes, droughts, floods, avalanching, ablation of permafrost, etc., and thereby raises danger to stability of the global economics, life and health of humans," according to the statement.

The forum emphasized that nuclear power, while it does not emit the greenhouse gases, is not a climate change solution they can support. "In spite of different points of view, worded by participants of the round table," the Civil G8 said, "most of them consider that nuclear energy is not a stable way of the energy development, and insist on abandoning of nuclear energy use."

Meeting with the NGO forum participants July 4, Russian President Vladimir Putin was confronted with a group holding a banner reading, "No to nuclear power! No to nuclear power!"

Putin tolerated the demonstration, saying, "Let the people do their thing. We won't get in their way. They came here to make themselves heard, and we must give them that opportunity."

The Civil G8 say in their statement that there is a "crying need to change the prevailing energy paradigm, transfer to stable energy development in order to ensure global energy safety on the basis of energy saving and efficient use of new and renewable sources of fuel and power."

Putin said that the G8 leaders have agreed to discuss nuclear energy at the Summit. "The subject under discussion in Saint Petersburg in relation to atomic energy will not be development of atomic energy worldwide, but rather issues of ensuring the security of atomic energy," said Putin.