美國會廢除對石油產業的補貼及減稅措施 | 環境資訊中心



在墨西哥Gulf的鑽油平台產油量可達每日250,000桶以及200百萬立方呎的天然氣(照片來源:BP)美國眾議院18日通過削減對石油與天然氣公司約140億美元的聯邦補貼與減稅措施,該法案以264票對163票通過,包括在語意及金錢方面都聚焦在再生能源計畫之上。該法案同時也是眾議院議長佩羅西女士(Nancy Pelosi)「100小時議程」的最後一件議案,而加州民主黨員也允諾這只是個開始,往後將更致力於關注國家能源需求問題,並且對抗氣候變遷。

而所得金額將用於建立一個有關再生能源、替代燃料和能源保護計畫的研究發展基金,對此麻州民主黨議員麥高文(James McGovern)也表示:「至少國會是把錢用在刀口上,而且是增加對再生能源的投資;我們並不只是空口說白話,而是真正在做該做的事。」


House Revokes Oil Industry Subsidies and Tax Breaks
WASHINGTON, DC, January 18, 2007 (ENS)

Legislation eliminating some $14 billion in federal subsidies and tax breaks for oil and gas companies was approved today by the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill, which includes language to funnel the money to renewable energy projects, passed by a vote of 264-163. The bill was the final piece of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's "100-hour agenda" and the California Democrat promised it is only the start of an aggressive effort to tackle the nation's energy needs and to address climate change.

That money would be used to create a research and development fund for renewable energy, alternative fuels and energy conservation programs. "At last Congress is putting its money where its mouth is and increasing our investment in renewable energy," said Representative James McGovern, a Massachusetts Democrat. "We are not just talking the talking, we are walking the walking.

Opponents argued the measure will hurt the economy, costing jobs and raising energy costs, while doing little to spark increased development of renewable energy and alternative fuels.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.