英貨輪擱淺得文島 後續清理工作將長達一年 | 環境資訊中心

英貨輪擱淺得文島 後續清理工作將長達一年


英貨輪拿波里號在英國海峽擱淺 造成海洋污染(圖片提供:Dave Mitchell)一艘6萬2千公噸的英籍貨輪18日行駛在英吉利海峽時,颶風所引起的強風使其失去了動力,貨輪在離康瓦耳海岸40哩遠處時,引擎室已遭海水淹沒。船員經搶救後並無大礙,為防止船隻沉入海中則已於21日移至淺攤。

至於從破裂油槽中溢出的200公噸石油,已波及鄰近區域,而此區域為世界遺產場址侏儸紀海岸(the Jurassic Coast)的一部份。這艘名為「MSC拿坡里」的貨輪裝載2300餘件貨櫃,其中有158件被歸類為有毒物質,政府當局對此感到憂心,有毒物質可能因貨櫃的破損而隨海水沖刷到海灘上。



Year Needed to Remove Cargo Ship Wrecked Off Devon
LONDON, UK, January 23, 2007 (ENS)

The 62,000 metric ton British-flagged ship lost power during a gale in the English Channel Thursday, when the engine room flooded more than 40 miles from the Cornish coast. After the crew was rescued unharmed, the ship was deliberately grounded Sunday to keep it from sinking.

About 200 metric tons of oil from the ship's ruptured fuel tank has spilled near an area which forms part of a the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site. The MSC Napoli was carrying 2,323 containers, 158 of which are classed as hazardous, and authorities fear hazardous materials may escape from broken containers washed up on the beach.

People scavaged East Devon beaches yesterday and today to pick through cargo from beached containers. They trampled over private property, and brought large vehicles and roughly constructed stretchers through villages to take away cargo ranging from shoes and toys to BMW motorbikes.

The Maritime And Coastguard Agency, MCA, says "these activities caused damage estimated to be 800 percent more significant than the damage caused by the incident itself."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.