2個為改善美國蜜蜂族群消減趨勢的法案目前正呈送美國參議院。加州民主黨參議員巴克瑟(Barbara Boxer)6月29日提出「授粉者保護法案(the Pollinator Protection Act)」。這項法案主張增加有關蜜蜂及原生授粉者的研究經費,這些物種數量在過去幾十年逐漸減少。
蒙大拿州民主黨參議員包可士(Max Baucus)則提出「授粉者棲地保護法案(the Pollinator Habitat Protection Act)」。這項法案鼓吹改善美國聯邦蜂群健康的保育工作。
美國農業部秘書長裘安斯(Mike Johanns)表示,蜂群衰竭失調(Colony Collapse Disorder或CCD)現象已經影響至全美35州的蜂群。它的主要特徵就是工蜂群在短時間內快速消失,雖然花粉及蜂蜜都還完整地留在蜂巢內,但卻找不到死亡的蜂群遺體。有些養蜂人還曾通報他們有80-100%的蜂群不翼而飛。
Two bills now making their way through the U.S. Senate are aimed at reversing the decline in the nation's population of honey bees. Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, on Friday introduced the Pollinator Protection Act, a bill to increase funding for research on honey bees and native pollinators, whose numbers have been in decline in recent decades.
Senator Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, has introduced the Pollinator Habitat Protection Act, which encourages conservation efforts to improve the health of bees in the United States.
"Managed honey bee colonies have collapsed at alarming rates, 25 percent nationwide, and scientists still have not fully discovered why. But the latest declines are part of a larger trend, with honey bee colonies down 50 percent in the past 50 years," said Boxer, who chairs the Senate Environment Committee.
A study released by the National Academy of Sciences, "Status of Pollinators in North America” found similar losses in native pollinator populations and called for increased study to determine the extent of this problem.
"Because native and honey bees pollinate so many crops, this decline, if not stopped, could impact many crops dependent on animal pollination and cause both increased prices and shortages of many food crops including almonds, avocados, cranberries, apples, and soybeans," said Boxer.
Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD, is affecting bees in 35 states, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said. It is characterized by a rapid loss of adult worker bees.
Intact stores of pollen and honey are left in the colony but few or no dead bees are found. Some beekeepers reported losses in their colonies as high as 80 to 100 percent.
"If left unchecked, Colony Collapse Disorder has the potential to cause a $15 billion direct loss of crop production and $75 billion in indirect losses," Johanns said.