政府要求日用品價格刪減50% 辛巴威商業面臨衝擊 | 環境資訊中心

政府要求日用品價格刪減50% 辛巴威商業面臨衝擊


辛巴威總統穆加比(圖片來源:Pan-African News Wire)辛巴威的商業問題仍因總統穆加比(Robert Mugabe)6月26日所發布的決議而處於難以解決的狀態。為了處理驟然高漲的通貨膨脹,此決議大幅刪減日用品價格的50%,穆加比宣稱,私有企業為了逼他下台而刻意抬升物品價格造成通貨膨脹。此舉促使蜂擁而至的消費者將商店架上的商品一掃而空。許多商家表示可能面臨結束營業的危機。

一名學校教師查瑞(Tichafa Chari)提到,2005年發生的淨化行動(Operation Murambatsvina)是以軍事模式破壞位於都市的住宅,除了摧毀非國營事業以及使70萬人無家可歸之外,還使得200萬人民失去了收入來源。一般相信,穆加比當時是出自於畏懼都市貧民的叛亂,而這可能使其面臨下台的命運。


Zimbabwe Businesses Reeling From Price-Slashing Order
HARARE, Zimbabwe, July 18, 2007 (ENS)

一批辛巴威貨幣在黑市上的票據被交換為美金$10元 (圖片來源:Pan-African News Wire)Businesses in Zimbabwe are still reeling from President Robert Mugabe's June 26 decision to slash the prices of all commodities by 50 percent, in a bid to tackle skyrocketing inflation, which he claimed is being fueled by the private sector to bring down his government. The move sparked a stampede of shoppers, leaving companies with empty shelves. Many say they may now be forced to close.

Tichafa Chari, a schoolteacher in the same area, compared the latest move to Operation Murambatsvina, the military-style demolition of urban dwellings in 2005 which destroyed the informal sector and left 700,000 people homeless and two million with no source of income. It was believed at the time that Mugabe did this to stem fears of a rebellion by the urban poor that would unseat him.

The fuel situation had stabilized after government allowed private companies to import and sell fuel at rates determined by the black market from which dealers obtained the foreign exchange to import. But since the price-slash directive, those service stations have run dry and have not restocked. The government has ordered all service stations to sell their fuel at 60,000 ZWD a liter but NocZim supplies are still very low. The national fuel procurement company has promised to increase its deliveries to service stations countrywide.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.