美市長推動氣候保護行動 呼籲聯邦支持 | 環境資訊中心

美市長推動氣候保護行動 呼籲聯邦支持



主持此美國市長高峰會的西雅圖市長尼可斯(Greg Nickels)表示:「我們展示了在地方層級所能做到的氣候變遷努力,但是想要在2050年之前減少80%的溫室氣體排放量,我們需要聯邦政府的強烈支持。」

紐約市長彭博(Michael Bloomberg)呼籲,應課徵污染稅,以約束溫室氣體排放。彭博還說:「只要溫室氣體污染不課稅,就會越來越嚴重,如果我們想要減少排放,製造溫室氣體就必須付出代價。布希總統建議的自動自發目標,就像自願進行速限的一樣,注定失敗。」




U.S. Mayors Seek Federal Help to Protect Climate
SEATTLE, Washington, November 5, 2007 (ENS)

5號州際公路的交通彎延至西雅圖市中心。圖片來源﹕Washington DOTMayors of the nation's largest cities are leading a climate protection movement that seeks to cut greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050 but say they cannot do it alone. At the Seattle Climate Protection Summit Friday, more than 100 mayors stressed the importance of forming a federal partnership to boost energy independence and avert the worst impacts of global warming.

"We are showing what is possible in light of climate change at the local level, but to reach our goal of 80 percent reductions in greenhouse gases by 2050, we need strong support from the federal government," said Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, who hosted the Summit jointly with the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called for a pollution fee to discourage practices that generate heat-trapping greenhouse gases.

"As long as greenhouse gas pollution is free, it will be abundant," Bloomberg said. "If we want to reduce it, there has to be a cost for producing it. The voluntary targets suggested by President Bush would be like voluntary speed limits - doomed to fail."

Comparing a cap-and-trade system with putting a price on carbon emissions, Bloomberg said, "A direct charge would eliminate the uncertainty that companies would face in a cap-and-trade system. It would be easier to implement and enforce, it would prevent special interests from opening up loopholes, and, it would create an opportunity to cut taxes.

Bloomberg and other mayors called for increased research and development for climate protection and an increase in fuel efficiency standards.

On Thursday, the Conference of Mayors announced a new partnership with the Clinton Foundation's Climate Initiative, CCI, which will allow 1,100 U.S. cities to gain access to volume discounts on energy-efficient and clean-energy products and technologies through CCI's purchasing consortium.

This discount, on products ranging from energy efficient light bulbs to environmentally friendly building materials, was previously only available to participants of the C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group, a group of 40 of the world's largest cities that are working together to fight climate change.





蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.