57兆美元資金的動向? 企業碳排放將影響385家法人投資意願 | 環境資訊中心

57兆美元資金的動向? 企業碳排放將影響385家法人投資意願


由全球各大投資法人合作發起的「碳揭露專案」(Carbon Disclosure Project,簡稱CDP),日前已經對世界最大的企業集團發佈了2008年的資訊要求,要求各企業盤查並公開他們的溫室氣體排放量,以及處理氣候相關之投資風險和機會的因應策略報告。




「碳揭露專案」執行長狄克森(Paul Dickinson)表示,「碳揭露專案」背後的動力開始要求全球商業活動必須聯合一致地對氣候變遷做出回應。他說:「支持『碳揭露專案』的投資者持續成長,並且透過碳揭露專案系統要求他們所投資的企業也必須做出回應;於此種種都顯現出我們已經進入了一個新的時代,表示氣候變遷已經變成一個投資者和企業都重視的主流議題。 」

歐元。圖片來源:ENS已經簽署支持碳揭露專案的投資法人包括了美林證劵公司(Merrill Lynch)、安盛集團(AXA)、澳紐銀行(ANZ)、巴西銀行(Banco do Brazil)、三菱UFJ(Mitsubushi UFJ)、友邦投顧(AIG Investments)、巴克萊銀行(Barclays),蘇格蘭皇家銀行集團(RBS Group)和匯豐銀行(HSBC)。

美林證劵總經理兼全球碳排放主管卡麥理(Abyd Karmali)表示:「低碳足跡企業的概念,是一種雙贏的理念。」卡麥理進一步指出,這些企業將可能擁有更高品質的企業管理並且限制可能對獲利造成的衝擊;而投資者藉由投資這些企業也有機會減少他們本身的碳足跡。

Investors Request Disclosure of Climate Emissions, Strategies
LONDON, UK, February 6, 2008 (ENS)

The Carbon Disclosure Project, a collaboration of 385 institutional investors with assets under management of $57 trillion, has issued its 2008 information request to the world's largest corporations. Companies are requested to measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and report on their strategy for dealing with risks and opportunities associated with climate change.

The resulting information will be held on the website of the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP, an independent not-for-profit organization based in London that maintains the largest database in the world on corporate climate change.

In this, its sixth information request, the Carbon Disclosure Project has requested information from over 3,000 companies, up from 2,400 in 2007. It has launched operations in five new geographic areas and widened its scope in many existing regions.

For the first time, the Carbon Disclosure Project will write to China's 100 largest companies, by market capitalization. This is a key step in leveraging investor influence to support Chinese companies in measuring and disclosing their carbon emissions and climate related strategy.

The CDP will also launch new operations in Korea, Latin America, Spain and in the Netherlands, where operations are supported by the Dutch Environment Agency.

Carbon Disclosure Project CEO Paul Dickinson said, "The momentum behind CDP represents the start of a unified global business response to climate change."

"The continued growth in investors supporting CDP and requesting the companies they invest in to respond through the CDP system demonstrates that we have entered an era when climate change has become a mainstream issue for both investors and corporations," he said.

Investors that have signed up to the Carbon Disclosure Project include Merrill Lynch, AXA, ANZ, Banco do Brazil, Mitsubishi UFJ, AIG Investments, Barclays, RBS Group and HSBC.

"The concept of low carbon footprint companies is a win-win idea," said Abyd Karmali, managing director and global head of carbon emissions with the financial management and advisory company Merrill Lynch.

"Those companies will likely have a higher quality of business management and will limit impact on earnings," Karmali said. "Investors also have the opportunity to lower their own carbon footprint by investing in those companies."

全文及圖片詳見 :ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.