堪薩斯州長 為減低碳排放 否決兩座電廠興建提案 | 環境資訊中心

堪薩斯州長 為減低碳排放 否決兩座電廠興建提案


堪薩斯州長西貝流士。圖片來源:Office of the Governor堪薩斯州長西貝流士(Kathleen Sebelius)3月21日以考量溫室氣體排放為由,否決兩座燃煤電廠的興建許可法案。這項和州政府立場相左的法令並未獲得州議會2/3多數票通過。

2007年10月,堪薩斯衛生環境部長伯恩比(Rob Bremby) 否決供應區域電力的向日葵電力集團( Sunflower Electric Power Corporation )有關在堪薩斯西部城市Holcomb興建兩座電廠的提案。州長否決的提案,將波及相關的能源行業,類似電廠的未來也可能遭受反對,即使能源公司達到比堪薩斯州「清淨空氣法案」更高的碳排放標準,也會有同樣的結果。


向日葵電力集團總裁兼總經理瓦今( Earl Watkins)直接表示失望:「州長否決提案讓人灰心。參眾兩院、民主共和兩黨經過多月協商才擬出這項提案,不僅顧及環境、支持再生能源和能源效能計畫,同時恢復對政府信心。」

中西能源公司總裁兼總經理來曼(Earnie Lehman)則認為否決提案會帶來負面效應:「州長的決定並不符合消費者所期待的能源效益,包含可靠、有效能和24小時提供電力。中西能源在穩定風力發電、提升能源效益和節約壁畫上,仍無法符合消費者需求。」

向日葵電力集團現有的電廠。圖片來源:Ohio Citizen Action州長西貝流士的權宜之計為通過興建一座規模較小的燃煤電廠,緩和衝擊,並使風力發電優先供應堪薩斯州需求。州長提出:「目前堪薩斯距離乾淨碳科技至少還有10年之遠,因此我們認為只要涉及生碳的提案,都應附帶提出補償的減碳計畫。」


州長21日簽署一份行政命令,成立堪薩斯能源環境政策智囊團,專司「全面檢視能源政策,包括發電和其他能源議題。」州長任命賽斯納飛行器公司總裁兼總經理派頓(Jack Pelton)擔任智囊團主席,希望智囊團能針對減碳政策和執行時間表,提出良方。

Kansas Governor Rejects Two Coal-Fired Power Plants
TOPEKA, Kansas, March 21, 2008 (ENS)

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius today vetoed legislation that would have overturned a decision of her administration to deny a permit application to build two new coal-fired power plants because of the greenhouse gases they would have produced. The measure passed without a veto-proof majority of state legislators.

Last October Secretary of Kansas Department of Health and Environment Rob Bremby denied a permit to regional wholesale power supplier Sunflower Electric Power Corporation to build two new power plants at its Holcomb Station in western Kansas.

The bill Sebelius vetoed today would have permitted the power plants and stripped the state agency of the power to deny such permits in the future if they held utilities to standards stricter than those in the federal Clean Air Act.

"Of all the duties and responsibilities entrusted to me as governor, none is greater than my obligation to protect the health and well-being of the people of Kansas," Sebelius said. "And that is why I supported the decision of the Secretary of Kansas Department of Health and Environment regarding Kansas' energy future. For that reason, I must veto House Substitute for SB 327." "Instead of building two new coal plants, which would produce 11 million new tons of carbon dioxide each year, I support pursuing other, more promising energy and economic development alternatives," the governor said.

The utility contends that by not allowing the coal-fired plants to be built, the governor will make Kansans pay more for electricity.

"I am certainly disappointed by the governor's veto," said Earl Watkins, Sunflower's president and chief executive. "This compromise bill was the result of many months of hard work by Democrats and Republicans in both the House and the Senate. The legislation protects our environment, supports renewable energy and energy efficiency programs, and restores confidence in government."

Earnie Lehman, president and chief executive of the utility Midwest Energy, said the veto will have a negative effect throughout the state.

"The governor's veto fails to meet our customers' need for reliable, efficient, and cost-effective around-the-clock energy," said Lehman. "Midwest Energy's leadership in securing wind energy and expanding energy efficiency and conservation programs is simply not enough to meet our consumers' energy needs."
As a compromise, Governor Sebelius offered approval of a permit for one smaller coal-fired power plant, combined with mitigation strategies and additional wind power as long as the power it generates serves Kansas customers first.

"We believe that any proposal to generate significant amounts of new carbon needs to have an accompanying offset plan, recognizing that we are at least a decade away from clean coal technology," Sebelius said.

The smaller project provides the base load power needed in western Kansas so that economic growth can continue, while allowing time for Kansas to engage in a process underway or completed in 36 other states that would allow our state to develop real and meaningful carbon regulations.

Once those state regulations have been adopted and implemented, applications for additional power plants could be fully considered, the governor said.

Today she issued an Executive Order creating the Kansas Energy and Environmental Policy Advisory Group to engage in "a comprehensive discussion on energy policy, including but not limited to electric generation."
Sebelius named Jack Pelton, chairman, president and chief executive of Cessna Aircraft Company, to lead this group, which will develop recommendations to the governor involving opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a recommended timetable for implementation.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.