美國賓州議會 率先通過全球暖化法律 | 環境資訊中心

美國賓州議會 率先通過全球暖化法律


位於賓州的燃媒發電廠。圖片來源:Mark Morey當賓州州長倫德爾(Ed Rendell)如外界預期簽署《賓州氣候變遷法》(Pennsylvania Climate Change Act),全球暖化的立法首次在賓州啟動。這項法案7月3日在賓州國會參眾議會取得壓倒性通過。



在賓州眾議院提出這項法案的,是來自德瓦拉郡的民主黨州議員維塔利(Greg Vitali),他說:「這對賓州來說是項很好的計畫,它涵括多種賓州目前已實施的措施,以及賓州未來應當採取來抵抗氣候變遷的方案。」在賓州參議院方面,這項立法則受到參議員艾利克森(Ted Erickson)支持,他是共和黨員,代表的選區也有部份位於德瓦拉郡,正好位於費城西部。

維塔利說,全球暖化法規最早是10年前由布朗(Don Brown)起草。布朗現任賓州州立大學的環境倫理系副教授,也是氣候變遷倫理議題計畫主持人;他曾任環保部的永續發展資深顧問,一直在環境議題上為聯邦政府和州政府效力。

環保人士對這項立法感到滿意。關心賓州未來的公民組織「賓州未來」(PennFuture),讚揚那些一路以來推動這項法規成型的立法者。「賓州未來」副主席傑瑞特(Jan Jarrett)說,這回兩黨竭盡所能的支持,顯示氣候問題的嚴重性,以及我們所推選出的官員也正視這個問題的決心。

賓州環境委員會讚揚氣候變遷法的通過。環境委員會負責法律和政府議題的副主席瓦立瑟(John Walliser)說:「這立法將幫助賓州處理氣候變遷相關的重大挑戰與潛在危機。」



Pennsylvania Assembly Passes First Global Warming Law
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, July 3, 2008 (ENS)

Global warming legislation will be enacted for the first time in Pennsylvania when Governor Ed Rendell signs the Pennsylvania Climate Change Act as he is expected to do. The measure was overwhelmingly approved today by both houses of the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

A coal-rich state, Pennsylvania emits one percent of the world’s greenhouse gases responsible for global warming, more than the emissions of 105 developing countries combined.

While Pennsylvania is a big contributor to global warming, the legislation passed today creates opportunities for the state to be part of the solution.

The measure will require Pennsylvania to conduct an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and set up a registry for business and industry where they can track their emissions and get credit for pollution reductions.

The bill provides for an stakeholder advisory group for the state Department of Environmental Protection and requires the DEP to develop a state plan to reduce emissions.

"This will be a good planning tool for Pennsylvania to help with coordination of the various measures the state has implemented and those it should implement to combat climate change in the future," said state Representative Greg Vitali, a Democrat from Delaware County who introduced the measure in the House.

In the Senate, the bill was sponsored by state Senator Ted Erickson, a Republican whose district includes part of Delaware County, which is located just west of Philadelphia.

Vitali said initial language for global warming legislation was drafted nearly a decade ago by Don Brown, currently an associate professor of environmental ethics and program director for ethical dimensions of climate change at Penn State University.

He is the former senior counsel for sustainable development at DEP, and has worked for both the state and federal governments on environmental issues.

Environmentalists are pleased with the bill. Citizens for Pennsylvania Future, known as PennFuture, praised the legislators on both sides of the aisle who moved the bill forward.

"This bipartisan outpouring of support shows the seriousness of our climate problem, and the determination of our elected officials to face it squarely," said Jan Jarrett, PennFuture vice president.

The Pennsylvania Environmental Council today praised passage of the Climate Change Act. "This legislation will help Pennsylvania address both the significant challenges and the potential opportunities associated with climate change," said John Walliser, the Council's vice president for legal and governmental affairs.

"Climate change will affect our economy, environment, and our quality of life."

"Both Senator Erickson and Representative Vitali took the lead on the need to fully evaluate what climate change will mean to Pennsylvania for the foreseeable future," said Walliser. "Thanks to their cooperation on seeing this legislation through, Pennsylvania now stands ready to meet this challenge head-on and even find opportunities for further economic development."

The General Assembly is considering legislation that would encourage the use of biofuels, promote the development of renewable energy sources, and set energy conservation standards for new buildings.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.