嘻哈教皇傑斯加持 紐約邁向無車城市 | 環境資訊中心

嘻哈教皇傑斯加持 紐約邁向無車城市



8月7日,嘻哈明星傑斯(Jay-Z)偕同紐約市長彭博以及市府交通局長薩狄克汗(Janette Sadik-Khan)宣佈這項試驗性計畫「夏日街道」。執行這項計畫時,紐約市將關閉從布魯克林橋到中央公園共7英里的街道。身為熱情的單車族,傑斯為這個活動喝采,他認為這計畫提供了青少年絕佳機會參與正面活動。



連續3個週六,8月9日、16日和23日, 從上午7點到下午1點,7英里的紐約街道將由紐約客和觀光客取代車陣,大家可以閒適地在街頭漫步,騎腳踏車,或是參與各式活動,例如合氣道、莎莎舞、太極、跑步、溜直排輪和跳房子遊戲。




Big Apple Goes Car-Free
NEW YORK, New York, August 8, 2008 (ENS)

New York City will clear a stretch of clogged Manhattan streets for the next three Saturdays so that bicyclists, runners, walkers and dancers can enjoy a car-free and noise-free experience.

Hip-hop star Jay-Z joined Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan yesterday to publicize the pilot program called Summer Streets that will close seven miles of city streets from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park.

An enthusiastic bicyclist, Jay-Z hailed the events as opportunities for teens to get involved in positive activities.

Mayor Bloomberg sees the Summer Streets program as a new way to enjoy the city. "We're going to embark on a grand experiment that could dramatically alter the way we use and look at the streets of New York," he said. "Streets that are normally tied up with cars and trucks will be turned over to the public - so that we can experience this city as never before."

"We're inviting New Yorkers and visitors to come out and enjoy the city by foot or by bike, and for a few hours, allow people to enjoy it free of vehicles," said Commissioner Sadik-Khan. "Come out and move around, people watch, or just enjoy your morning coffee without the stress of noise and traffic. Enjoy the streets you've been up and down 100 times before, in a whole new way."

For the next three Saturdays, August 9th, 16th and 23rd, from 7 am to 1 pm, vehicle traffic will be replaced along seven miles of City streets by New Yorkers and visitors taking leisurely strolls, going for a bike ride or taking part in organized activities such as aikido, salsa dancing, tai-chi, running, rollerblading and hopscotch.

Summer Streets will be open from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park along Lafayette Street, 4th Avenue, Park Avenue and 72nd Street.

All of the rest stops will have water stations, bike maps and first aid stations. Participants are encouraged to bring their own fitness mats and water bottles, which can be refilled at the water stations. Emergency services will be present along the length of the route.

There will be opportunities to rent or test ride bikes along the route. For people who come with bikes there will be bike repair provided at each rest stop to ensure everyone can keep rolling along smoothly.

Police will redirect traffic to nearby streets and emergency vehicles will have unfettered access to the Summer Streets. Residents on streets adjoining the route will have local access and be able to receive deliveries during Summer Streets hours.

To see more information on Summer Streets, including a full list of activities, click here.
