2008年世界人居日 聯合國提倡和諧/環保都市 | 環境資訊中心

2008年世界人居日 聯合國提倡和諧/環保都市


盧安達首都安哥拉都市化快速 (圖片來源 :Carlos Joao )聯合國人居署官員在世界人居日(World Habitat Day)慶祝活動上指出,截至2008年年底,全球超過半數的人口居住在都市區域內,可說是史無前例,而這也讓氣候變遷成為國際爭議話題的焦點。

聯合國人居署主要工作在推動永續社會環境城鎮都市,以及為每個人提供適當的住所。每年10月的第1個星期一被定為世界人居日,署長提貝盧卡(Anna Tibaijuka)在當天發表的談話中表示:「全球都市消耗掉全球75%的能源,並排放出相對大量的溫室氣體,因此都市勢必是任何減緩氣候暖化行動不可缺的一部份。」




盧安達首都安哥拉都市化快速 (圖片來源 :Carlos Joao )她指出:「減少都市排放導致氣候變遷的溫室氣體,以及預防氣候變遷效應對於都市所造成的損害,必須被視為改變全球人類生活條件的重要關鍵,都市人口中最為弱勢的族群也應當包括在內。將這些成果加以結合,是目前我能想到讓都市城鎮更加環保、安全和公平的方法。」


World Habitat Day Message: Harmonious, Greener Urbanization
NEW YORK, New York, October 6, 2008 (ENS)

By the end of this year, more than half of the world's population will live in urban areas for the first time in human history, and it is no coincidence that climate change is now at the forefront of international debate, the top United Nations habitat official said to mark World Habitat Day.

Anna Tibaijuka serves as executive director of UN-HABITAT, the agency which promotes socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities and adequate shelter for all. "Cities consume upwards of 75 percent of all energy and contribute to an equally substantial amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Cities must therefore be an integral part of any mitigation efforts," she said on World Habitat Day, which is observed on the first Monday in October each year.

The theme of this year's World Habitat Day is "harmonious cities," and the global observance this year is being led from the Angolan capital, Luanda.

The celebrations in Angola are intended to show the world how, after nearly three decades years of conflict, the country is progressing in the establishment of harmonious cities through improvements in urban infrastructure and services, and a new urban development strategy.

Attending the event, taking place for the first time on the African continent, were African housing ministers, particularly those from the Southern Africa Development Community. The celebration featured cultural activities, award ceremonies, and speeches by government officials.

Of the world's 6.7 billion people, there are now more than one billion urban slum dwellers Tibaijuka said, emphasizing the need to ensure that rapid urbanization is accompanied by decent living conditions and efforts to preserve the environment.

"Reducing the contribution of cities to climate change and the vulnerability of cities to the effects of climate change must be viewed as a historical opportunity to improve the living conditions of all women and men, including the most vulnerable segments of our urban populations," she said. "I can think of no better initiative than to combine these efforts to make our cities and towns greener and safer and more equitable."

This year's World Habitat Day comes ahead of the fourth session of the World Urban Forum, set to take place in Nanjing, China, from November 3 to 6. There, UN-HABITAT will release its latest biennial publication "State of the World's Cities."
