能源之星節能標章升級 美規電視率先推出 | 環境資訊中心

能源之星節能標章升級 美規電視率先推出

摘譯自2008年10月30日 ENS 美國華府報導;楊佳珊編譯;莫聞審校

所有品牌的新產電視如果要配有能源之星標章必須要更省電 (圖片來源 : ENS) 美國環保署推出節能效果更高的能源之星標章,全美1日起市面上已可找到符合新規的電視產品。和舊款電視相比,符合新認證規格的電視能源效能提升了30%。

美國環保署長強森(Stephen Johnson)表示,「環保署建議消費者在購買電視時,尋找具有『能源之星』認證的產品,這次能源之星的新規格,更關注耗能的組件上。」






儘管愈來愈多的能源效率電視陸續推出,但針對使用POD(Point of Deployment)模組的數位有線電視,能源之星不久前才增加能源效率指引。

數位有線電視增加了機上盒設備,而使用的cable cards則由當地的有線業者提供給消費者。目前尚未有數位有線電視通過能源之星的認證,但未來將指日可待。



New Energy Efficient Televisions in Stores Saturday
WASHINGTON, DC, October 30, 2008 (ENS)

Televisions meeting the federal government's new, more comprehensive energy efficiency specification will be available in stores nationwide, starting on Saturday. TVs that meet the new Energy Star specification will be up to 30 percent more energy efficient than conventional models.

"EPA encourages consumers to look for the Energy Star label when buying new televisions," said U.S. EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson. "Energy Star's new specifications for televisions are turning the channel on energy guzzling sets."

There are about 275 million TVs currently in use in the United States, consuming over 50 billion kilowatt of energy each year - about four percent of all households' electricity use. This is enough electricity to power all the homes in the state of New York for an entire year, according to federal government calculations.

If all televisions sold in the United States met the new Energy Star requirements, the savings in energy costs would be about $1 billion annually and greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by the equivalent of about one million cars, Johnson said.

The Version 3.0 Energy Star TV products specification was finalized on February 4, 2008. It requires energy efficiency when televisions are on, as well as off or in standby mode.

It also requires the use of external power supplies that have earned the Energy Star label, where applicable. This new specification is important since televisions being sold now are larger, in use more hours a day, and offer more vibrant pictures, which can increase the amount of electricity they use.

In fact, some of the largest, high resolution televisions can use as much as 500 kilowatt hours per year.

The new specification applies to all brands of television sets. Manufacturers have qualified their models ahead of the November 1, 2008 effective date. Energy Star qualified televisions can be found at most stores where electronics are sold.

Consumers who want to buy new TVs are encouraged to ask their sales associates for newly qualified Energy Star sets to ensure they are getting a television that qualifies under this enhanced specification.

Even more energy efficient televisions are on the way. Energy Star has just added energy-efficiency guidelines for digital cable ready televisions with a point of deployment, POD, slot.

These TVs add the functions of a cable box to the television set by using a card that users can get from their local cable operators. Energy Star qualified versions of these TVs are not yet available, but look for them in the future.

The Energy Star program was introduced by the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Energy Department in 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership to reduce energy use through efficiency standards.

Today, the Energy Star label can be found on more than 50 different kinds of products as well as buildings and new homes. Products that have earned the Energy Star label prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy-efficiency specifications set by the government.

Federal government data show that in 2007, Americans using Energy Star products saved $16 billion on their energy bills while reducing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 27 million vehicles.