電器回收有一套! 美國制定「負責任」電器回收守則 | 環境資訊中心

電器回收有一套! 美國制定「負責任」電器回收守則


American e-waste in Africa. (Photo credit unknown)隨著越來越多的製造商負起相關的責任,回收老舊無用的電器是越來越方便了,例如戴爾電腦和Goodwill在這個星期就宣布了「Reconnect」的回收行動,免費回收紐約市和東紐約州地區的電腦。



















Electronics Recyclers Held to New National Guidelines
WASHINGTON, DC, November 3, 2008 (ENS)

Recycling obsolete electronics is getting easier and more convenient as more manufacturers take responsibility for collecting and recycling older, unwanted equipment. Dell Computers and Goodwill, for instance, this week launched Reconnect, a free computer recycling service in the greater New York city and eastern New York state area.

Reconnect offers consumers free recycling for any brand of computer equipment in any condition.

Consumers can find the most convenient of 31 drop-off locations at www.reconnectpartnership.com.

Program goals are to divert 1.65 million pounds of used computers and computer equipment from area landfills over the next year; support Goodwill旧 job training and creation programs; and provide consumer education on the importance of environmentally-responsible computer disposal.

But once collected, what happens to the old electronics?

They go to recyclers, and environmentalists have complained that while some recyclers are responsible, others ship broken electronics containing toxic materials, such as lead and mercury, overseas or into the U.S. prison system, where they are dismantled in conditions harmful to workers and the environment.

The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition warns that up to 80 percent of U.S. e-waste is exported to developing countries where toxic components are burned, dumped or smashed apart by impoverished workers and children without proper protection.

Only 10 percent of unwanted and obsolete computers are recycled responsibly, according to the coalition.
Some, but not all, states have e-waste and recycling laws, and even those vary widely.

In an effort to educate recyclers disassembling or reclaiming used electronics equipment, the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency Friday issued a new guide on how to run safe and environmentally protective recycling operations.

The EPA, as part of a group of recycling stakeholders, developed the "Responsible Recycling, Practices for Use in Accredited Certification Programs for Electronics Recyclers" to promote better environmental, worker safety, and public health practices for electronics recyclers.

The workgroup that developed the guidelines includes federal and state governments, electronics manufacturers and recyclers, and trade associations.

The Responsible Recycling guide lists 13 principles to help electronics recyclers ensure their material is handled safely and legally in the United States and foreign countries.

Recyclers are encouraged to promote reuse and material recovery over landfill or incineration and use practices that reduce exposures or emissions during recycling operations.

The guide also calls for recyclers to use diligence to assure safe management of materials throughout the recycling chain, including materials that are exported to foreign countries.

Materials that are particularly harmful are the focus of the guidelines. Focus materials are the old-fashioned rectangular kind of monitors called cathode ray tubes and the glass they contain; batteries; and items containing mercury and/or polychlorinated biphenyls both in end-of-life equipment and when separated as components.

Circuit boards, unless they have had batteries and mercury-containing items removed and are lead free, are also considered focus materials.

The new guidelines may settle concerns raised by a report in September by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative branch of Congress, that criticized the EPA for lack of enforcement of hazardous waste regulations with respect to e-waste.

For information about the new EPA guidelines, click here.

For information from the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition on extended producer responsibility, click here.