歐巴馬承諾:透過重現美國實力拯救地球 | 環境資訊中心



2008/12/9美國現任總統,副總統及前任副總統齊聚會場。圖片提供:Obama Transition Team美國總統當選人歐巴馬(Barack Obama)在12月9日與前副總統高爾(Al Gore)及副總統當選人拜登(Joe Biden)進行會談之後釋出訊息表示,他已經準備好在就職之後隨即處理氣候危機。



歐巴馬12月9日「再現美國實力」(repower America)的說法是呼應高爾在7月時公開聲明的計畫,也就是在10年之內以百分之百乾淨電力「重現美國實力(Repower America)」。這項「重現美國實力」的計畫勾勒出將立即進行投資的三個領域:能源效率、可再生的生產方式及可再生的電力傳輸。

  • 「能源效率」方面,將進行一項減廢、省錢及改善舒適度的全國性能源升級,要讓我們所製造的每一點能源都能用得更透徹。
  • 「可再生式的生產」方面,透過政策上的支援,增加私部門及公部門對風能、太陽能及地熱等可行技術的投資,加速乾淨、可再生電力來源試運轉後之量產。
  • 「整合國家智慧型電網(Unified National Smart Grid)」方面,要將電力傳輸的基礎建設現代化,以便在全美任何地方都能生產乾淨的電力,供電給全國的家庭及業者。國家電力「州際化(interstates)」可使電力快速並便宜地在需要的地方移動;區域性的智慧型電網從家戶間收購及販售電力,並支援乾淨的充電車(plug-in cars)。

這位總統當選人及前副總統似乎在這個急迫性議題上理念相合,歐巴馬正積極向高爾請益,他們都認為在布希政府8年期間的推託、延宕及忽視之後,必須緊急因應全球警訊。高爾因為參與一部榮獲奧斯卡獎的紀錄片「不願面對的真相(An Inconvenient Truth)」而與聯合國跨政府氣候變遷專家小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)共同獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。

2008年11月,高爾的非營利氣候保護聯盟(Alliance for Climate Protection)所組織的「我們能解決它(We Can Solve It)」活動,發起一則廣告及具草根性的工作來支持這位總統當選人,因為他宣告要讓美國經濟重新站起來的政策,而這些政策能協助解決氣候危機。


Obama Would 'Save the Planet' By Repowering America
CHICAGO, Illinois, December 10, 2008 (ENS)

President-elect Barack Obama signaled that he is ready to tackle the climate crisis immediately upon taking office, following a meeting Tuesday with former Vice President Al Gore and Vice President-elect Joe Biden.
"All three of us are in agreement that the time for delay is over, the time for denial is over," Obama said.

The three men met at the Transition's Chicago headquarters to discuss energy and climate policy - and how addressing those issues can drive the nation's economic recovery.

"This is a matter of urgency and national security," Obama said. "It is not only a problem, it is also an opportunity."

"We have the opportunity now to create jobs all across this country in all 50 states to repower America," said Obama, "to redesign how we use energy and think about how we are increasing efficiency to make our economy stronger, make us more safe, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and make us competitive for decades to come - even as we save the planet."

Obama's "repower America" comment Tuesday is an echo of Gore's plan, made public in July, to Repower America with 100 percent clean electricity within 10 years.

The plan to Repower America outlines immediate investments in three areas: energy efficiency, renewable generation and transmission.

· Energy Efficiency: A national upgrade to eliminate waste, save money, and improve comfort. Make every bit of energy we produce work harder for us.

· Renewable Generation: Accelerate the ramp-up of clean, renewable electricity sources through policies that support increased private and public investment in technologies that work, like wind, solar, and geothermal.

· Unified National Smart Grid: Modernize transmission infrastructure so that clean electricity generated anywhere in America can power homes and businesses across the nation. National electricity ‘interstates’ that move power quickly and cheaply to where it needs to be; local smart grids that buy and sell power from households and support clean plug-in cars.

The president-elect and the former vice president appear to be in accord on the urgent need to address global warming after eight years of denial, delay and neglect during the Bush administration. Obama is taking advice from Gore, who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for his work to publicize the dangers of global warming through his Oscar-winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

In November, the We Can Solve It campaign mounted by Gore's nonprofit Alliance for Climate Protection launched an advertising and grassroots effort to support the president-elect as he enacts policies to revitalize the American economy and help solve the climate crisis.

Obama is not waiting until he takes office to go green. His will be the first eco-friendly inaugural celebration in American history.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.