美國勞工、環團合流 敦促政府2009年完成氣候立法 | 環境資訊中心

美國勞工、環團合流 敦促政府2009年完成氣候立法



藍綠聯盟(Blue Green Alliance)認為,立法可以 迅速有效地推動數百萬美國人走向乾淨的能源經濟,減少溫室氣體排放量,避免氣候變遷的結果惡化。

藍綠聯盟的執行總裁福斯特(David Foster)認為:「史上頭一遭,這麼多團體代表美國經濟體各層面的勞工都同意,解決當前經濟紊亂的原則是著手減緩全球暖化,環保和勞工團體實實在在看到了同一片遠景。」

2006年,美國鋼鐵工人聯合會(United Steelworkers)和山巒協會(Sierra Club)結合成藍綠聯盟,既是勞工聯盟也是環境組織,目前成員還包括美國電信工會(Communications Workers of America)、國家資源保護委員會(Natural Resources Defense Council)、北美勞工國際工會(Laborers' International Union of North America)和服務業員工國際工會(Service Employees International Union)。

藍綠聯盟是前副總統高爾(Al Gore)設立的氣候保護聯盟(Alliance for Climate Protection)的創辦會員。執掌眾議院能源和商務委員會(Energy and Committee)的加州民主黨國會議員沃克斯曼(Henry Waxman)承諾,在陣亡將士紀念日(5月30日)前完成立法,他和其他國會議員曾在眾議院推動多項氣候法案,但這項始終不曾過關。

根據法律規定,發電廠如美國賓州的亞蒙燃煤設施將必須購買碳權以獲得排放溫室氣體;攝影:Mark Morey3月25日,麻州的民主黨國會議員馬奇(Edward Markey)在能源和商務委員會的能源環境小組召開一場聽證會,主題為「為氣候變遷做準備:政策因應和計畫」。





Labor-Enviro Alliance Urges Climate Law in 2009
WASHINGTON, DC, March 27, 2009 (ENS) -

Four labor unions and two environmental organizations representing six million people today announced their support for national cap-and-trade climate change legislation in 2009. Such legislation would place an overall national limit, or cap, on greenhouse gas emissions and auction emissions allowances.

The Blue Green Alliance says this legislation is an effective way to rapidly put millions of Americans back to work building a clean energy economy and to reduce global warming emissions to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

David Foster, executive director of the Blue Green Alliance said today, "For the first time, a substantial number of unions representing workers across a broad section of the American economy have endorsed the principle that the way out of our current economic turmoil is through major investments in solving global warming. The labor and environmental movements have truly embraced a common vision for the future."

A national partnership of labor unions and environmental organizations working to expand the number and quality of jobs in the green economy, the Blue Green Alliance was launched by the United Steelworkers and the Sierra Club in 2006. The alliance now includes the Communications Workers of America, Natural Resources Defense Council, Laborers' International Union of North America and Service Employees International Union.

The Blue Green Alliance was an initial partner in the Alliance for Climate Protection, founded by former Vice President Al Gore.

Congressman Henry Waxman, a California Democrat who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has promised to introduce climate change legislation by Memorial Day. He and other lawmakers have introduced climate legislation in past sessions of Congress, but these bills have never been enacted.

On Wednesday, Congressman Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, convened a hearing of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Environment entitled, Preparing for Climate Change: Adaptation Policies and Programs.

The Blue Green Alliance supports a reduction of U.S. emissions by at least 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050, and supports a renewed U.S. effort to forge a global treaty to reduce worldwide emissions by 50 percent by that same date.

To meet these goals, domestic climate change legislation should reduce U.S. emissions below 2005 levels by 2020, with individual partners advocating targets ranging from 14 to 25 percent.

The consensus reached by the Blue Green Alliance partners supports auctioning allowances rather than giving them away, and using the auction proceeds to fund economic opportunities and training for high-unemployment communities.

In addition, climate change legislation should include investments in a wide range of technologies, including carbon, capture and sequestration technology, and federal financing for the transition to a clean energy economy, the alliance said in its consensus statement.

The Blue Green Alliance would like to see climate change legislation adopted that would help fund a clean energy economic development model for developing and emerging economies and also fund adaptation measures for people impacted by global warming both in the United States and around the world.

Click here to read the Blue Green Alliance policy statement.