美乾淨能源安全法案架構成型 | 環境資訊中心



密西根州Dearborn一家工廠(Emily Benson攝)美國的乾淨能源安全法案(American Clean Energy and Security Act),隨著13日眾議院能源和商務委員會(House Energy and Commerce Committee)揭露議案三個主要條款儼然成型。



最後,按照綜合效率和再生能源發電規範(Combined Efficiency and Renewable Electricity Standard),2020年前達到20%供電的要求。



根據綜合效率和再生能源發電規範,截至2020年,15%公用事業的電力必須由再生能源提供,還需證明遵循提高能源使用效率方法(energy efficiency measures),每年省下5%的電費。若未能達到15%的門檻,州長可酌情調降標準至12%,並提高能源效率標準8個百分點。

於此,環保人士樂見其成。國家資源保護委員會氣候中心(Climate Center for the Natural Resources Defense Council)主任Lashof也表示,「委員會凝聚的共識奠定年度國會頒布立法的重要基礎,無疑會推動乾淨能源的投資,減少碳污。」

阿波羅聯盟(Apollo Alliance)主席Ringo說:「國會辯論能源和氣候法案,是個舉國上下同舟共濟,一同從石化燃料經濟邁向充滿生機盎然乾淨能源經濟的契機。」

Structure of Clean Energy Act Takes Shape in Congress
WASHINGTON, DC, May 13, 2009 (ENS)

The shape of the American Clean Energy and Security Act began to emerge today as the House Energy and Commerce Committee released key details of agreements reached on three major sections of the bill.

First, the energy-intensive, trade-exposed industries will be allocated 15 percent of all carbon dioxide emission allowances in 2014, the committee agreed. Emissions of this greenhouse gas are widely acknowledged to be driving global warming.

Next, the automobile industry will receive three percent of CO2 emission allowances from 2012 through 2017, and after that will receive one percent of allowances through 2025.

And an agreement on a Combined Efficiency and Renewable Electricity Standard provides for a combined 20 percent standard by 2020.

Under the first deal, energy-intensive industries that compete in global markets will be provided incentives to improve their energy efficiency based on the amount of domestic production, as well as assistance to address the costs of transitioning to a clean energy economy. To provide adequate transition time, the industries will receive allowances to emit some carbon dioxide through 2025, at which time the President will determine whether they are still needed.

The automobile industry will be provided incentives to make electric and advanced technology vehicles. The bill will help fund research, development, implementation and deployment of new, low-carbon technologies and upgrades for the manufacturing facilities that will produce the next generation of greener vehicles.

Under the agreement on a Combined Efficiency and Renewable Electricity Standard, by 2020, utilities would be required to obtain 15 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources and demonstrate annual electricity savings of five percent from energy efficiency measures. If the governor of a state determines that utilities in the state cannot meet the 15 percent renewable requirement, the governor may reduce the renewable requirement to 12 percent and increase the efficiency requirement to eight percent.

Environmentalists are pleased that the legislation is moving forward. Dan Lashof, director of the Climate Center for the Natural Resources Defense Council, said, "The emerging consensus in the House Energy and Commerce Committee lays the critical foundation for Congress to enact legislation this year that will spur clean energy investments and cut carbon pollution that causes global warming."

Jerome Ringo, president of the Apollo Alliance, said, "The energy and climate bill under debate in Congress is an opportunity for the country to unite and transition from our faltering fossil fuels-based economy to a vibrant economy that runs on clean energy."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.