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EIB副總裁Plutarchos Sakellaris(右)與PPC主席兼執行長澤爾沃斯(左),在EIB的雅典辦公室簽署此計畫的金融文件。圖片來自:EIB。歐洲投資銀行(EIB)將提供31億歐元給希臘公共電力公司(Greek Public Power Corporation,PPC),以協助希臘發展安全且有效率的電力。


歐洲開發銀行的此項基金至少有一半預定投入一間位於麥加洛波里斯(Megalopolis)的新發電廠,這間發電廠在勃羅奔尼薩半島(Peloponnese)的中心,以天然煤氣作為燃料、並採複循環(Combined Cycle)發電。


去年,希臘的工程採購建設公司「Terna S.A.」授與美國通用電氣(General Electric,GE)一份9240萬歐元(相當於1億3000萬美元)的合約,提供此發電計畫的設備和服務。在麥加洛波里斯,原有的發電爐燃燒褐煤燃料,對環境造成衝擊,因此將被關閉。

Terna公司此項發電計畫的執行長Jannis Stefanatos表示:「電力供應的安全、效率和低排碳量將成為麥加洛波里斯新發電廠的關鍵優勢。通用電氣身為發電廠技術的全球領袖,我們非常高興能與他們合作,協助希臘此地區的人們,為他們供應可靠且更乾淨的電能。」

上週,EIB副總裁Plutarchos Sakellaris與PPC主席兼執行長澤爾沃斯(Arthouros Zervos),在EIB的雅典辦公室簽署此計畫的金融文件。


「我們將資金投注於希臘的能源安全和效率,這完全符合歐盟所建立的《能源安全與團結行動綱領(Energy Security and Solidarity Action Plan)》,以及歐盟經濟及財政部長理事會(ECOFIN)會議中的優先考量。」




Greece Funded for Climate-Friendly Energy Development
ATHENS, Greece, July 18, 2011 (ENS)

The European Investment Bank is providing 310 million euros (US$436 million) to the Greek Public Power Corporation to develop energy security and efficiency in Greece.

The investment will add state-of-the-art, environment-friendly energy production and reinforced, extended and efficient electricity transmission and distribution networks throughout the country.

At least half of the EIB funding is destined for the new Megalopolis natural gas-fired, combined cycle power plant in the central Peloponnese.

The combined-cycle package will replace four coal-fired units at the site to help the country meet both its energy and environmental goals.

Last year, Terna S.A., an engineering, procurement and construction firm in Greece, awarded General Electric a 92.4 euro ($130 million) contract to provide equipment and services for the project. The existing units at the site, which burn lignite coal, are scheduled to be shut down due to their environmental impact.

"Power supply security, efficiency and lower emissions will be among the key benefits of the new Megalopolis power plant," said Jannis Stefanatos, director of Power Generation Projects for Terna. "We're very pleased to work with GE, a global leader in power plant technology, to help bring the people of this region of Greece a reliable supply of cleaner energy."

The finance documentation was signed last week at the EIB's office in Athens by bank Vice-President Plutarchos Sakellaris and PPC Chairman and Chief Executive Arthouros Zervos.

Sakellaris said the funding in support of climate action and energy is "a decisive step forward for not only development but also sustainable growth."

"Our funding for energy security and efficiency in Greece is fully in line with the European Energy Security and Solidarity Action Plan, as well as the ECOFIN Council's priorities."

Ecofin is an independent investment management firm specializing in the global utility, infrastructure, alternative energy and environmental sectors with assets worth US$1.9 billion currently under management. Founded in 1992, the firm is based in London.

In recent years, EIB financing in Greece's energy sector has been directed towards securing sustainable energy supplies, reducing the burden on the environment and promoting the development of new sustainable energy sources.

The European Investment Bank has also funded the construction of wind farms in Greece, furthering both European Union and Greek national policy on renewable energy and climate change.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.