澳洲金伯利西部地區 列入國家遺產名錄 | 環境資訊中心

澳洲金伯利西部地區 列入國家遺產名錄


2011年8月31日,澳洲環境部長Tony Burke宣布西金伯利登入至國家遺產名錄內。圖片來自:永續發展暨環境、水資源、族群與社區部。澳洲環境部長Tony Burke宣布,金伯利(Kimberley)西部,澳洲西北部一處兼具絕美自然景觀、人文歷史以及原住民生活之地,將列入澳洲國家遺產名錄內。但這項登錄並沒有減少保育人士的擔憂,採礦與工業發展仍可能破壞該區。


Burke 表示,吉拉德政府將認可西金柏利超過19萬公頃土地高度的價值,授予國家最高形式的國家遺產認證。




Burke 說,「國家遺產名錄是要保護我們國家重要遺產價值,它根據國家環境保護法來規範開發計畫,但不會直接阻止開發計畫,保護作用並不是自動發生的。」

澳洲自然保育基金會(ACF)執行長Don Henry表示,即使該地已經名列國家遺產,他仍擔心工業發展會破壞西金柏利地區。



但國際人道協會的運動總監Michael Kennedy指出,「Burke 部長對改革《1999年環境保護與生物多樣性保育法案》的提議,藉由下放權力給各州、限制向法院提起訴訟以及依賴過於廣泛的策略評估之下,最終可能會因為這項宣告而逐漸削弱其保護力。」

保護區一隅,金伯利海岸的羅巴克灣(Roebuck Bay)。圖片來自:ENS報導。金伯利西部被確定具高度遺產價值並且被登錄在國家遺產名單內的地點包括:

  • 海盜群島到喬治王河的海岸;米契爾高原;喬治王瀑布;蓋基峽谷;溫雅納峽谷以及李奧波德王丘陵區。
  • 豐富的生物多樣性,包括許多只有出現在澳洲此處的植物、哺乳類、爬蟲類、青蛙與無脊椎動物。
  • 規模類似大堡礁的巨大的珊瑚礁遺跡,存在於4億年前。
  • 丹皮爾半島西岸的恐龍足跡,這是過去在此生活動物所留下的最明顯證據。
  • 與溫加纳文化(Wanjina )以及彩虹蛇(Rainbow Serpent)和巨石等有關的現存原住民傳統文化。
  • 一個提供有關Jandamarra(譯按:澳洲原住民族之一)以及通往福斯坦(Fossil Downs)古道新近歷史的地點,前者與Noonkanbah Station放牧區有關,後者則是澳洲歷史上最長的陸上牧牛路徑。
  • 印尼和歐洲早期對澳洲大陸探險的證據。
Australia Adds 'Magnificent' West Kimberley to National Heritage List
CANBERRA, Australia, August 31, 2011 (ENS)

West Kimberley, an area of outstanding natural, historic and Indigenous significance in northwestern Australia, will be placed on Australia's National Heritage List, Environment Minister Tony Burke announced today. But the listing does not ease conservationists' fears that mining and industrial development might still spoil the area.

"The west Kimberley belongs on a list of the places which define Australia," Burke said. "Its unique wildlife, stunning coastlines, spectacular gorges and waterfalls, ancient and ongoing Aboriginal cultural traditions as well as its pastoral and pearling history make this one of the most remarkable places in our nation."

Burke said the Gillard government would recognize outstanding heritage values within more than 19 million hectares of the west Kimberley, conferring the country's highest form of heritage recognition.

"Following a long and comprehensive assessment by the Australian Heritage Council, which included a lot of feedback from communities and my own consultation with the people who live and work in the region, I have determined that the west Kimberley is a fitting addition to the National Heritage List," said Burke.

The west Kimberley is the 96th place and the largest land-based National Heritage listing. It is the first listing to proceed with the full consent of the Traditional Owners.

The west Kimberley's placement on the National Heritage List means its heritage values are now protected under national environmental law, but the listing does not automatically keep development out of the listed area.

"It is important to recognize national heritage listing is about protecting our nation's outstanding heritage values by considering them in any development proposal under national environmental law and the listing itself does not prevent development," Burke said. "National heritage listing protects heritage values; it is not an automatic lock-up."

Australian Conservation Foundation CEO Don Henry said he worries that industrial development could spoil west Kimberly regardless of the National Heritage listing.

"ACF remains concerned about current proposals to mine coal, bauxite, uranium and iron ore in the region and to process gas on the Kimberley coastline," Henry said today.

The Humane Society International welcomed the new protection as the organization nominated some special areas for heritage protection in 2006, helping prompt the government to assess the west Kimberley region for its heritage values.

But Kennedy warned that, "proposals by Minister Burke to reform the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999 may eventually weaken the protections provided by today's announcement, by devolving power to the states, limiting access to the courts, and relying too much on broad strategic assessments."

Areas in the west Kimberley identified as having outstanding heritage values and inscribed on the National Heritage List include:

  • The coast from the Buccaneer Archipelago to the King George River; the Mitchell Plateau; King George Falls; Geikie Gorge, Windjana Gorge and King Leopold Ranges
  • Rich biodiversity, including many plants, mammals, reptiles, frogs and invertebrates that are found only in this part of Australia
  • Remnants of a vast coral reef, similar in scale to the Great Barrier Reef, that existed nearly 400 million years ago
  • Dinosaur footprints on the west coast of the Dampier Peninsula which are remarkable remnant of past life in the region
  • Ongoing Aboriginal traditions associated with Wanjina and the Rainbow Serpent and spectacular rock
  • Sites which tell a more recent history including Jandamarra, the dispute at Noonkanbah Station and the drove to Fossil Downs which became the longest overlanding cattle drive in Australia's history
  • Evidence of early contact with Indonesia as well as early European exploration of the Australian continent


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.