2012世界地球日 成功號召10億綠行動 | 環境資訊中心

2012世界地球日 成功號召10億綠行動


香港富豪機場酒店承諾餐廳均使用可回收材料(Annie Wong提供)世界地球日網絡(Earth Day Network )發起「10億綠行動」兩年來,獲得全球民眾響應,日前已成功達成目標。422地球日當天,在華府國會山莊前廣場的網路直播活動中,第10億個綠行動誕生。

地球日網絡組織負責人凱斯林•羅傑斯( Kathleen Rogers)表示,「十億的綠行動,相當於全球對環境的公民投票。這顯示民眾普遍認同應採取強有力的共同行動,來因應越來越急迫的環境問題。我們會把這項成果帶給全世界的領袖,要求他們。」



在約旦首府安曼的Patriarch Diodoros學校,有學生組織地球日志工團,讓學校從裡到外都「綠色」起來。他們不只協助整理校園花園,還舉辦好幾次全校性的環保集會活動,促成把環境教育融入課程當中。






Earth Day Network Achieves One Billion Acts of Green
WASHINGTON, DC, April 23, 2012 (ENS)

Two years after Earth Day Network launched the Billion Acts of Green environmental service campaign, the goal of one billion environmental actions has been reached.
The final pledges to the "billion" announcement were counted down on Earth Day, April 22, during a live webcast from the steps of the U.S. Capitol on the National Mall in Washington.

"A Billion Acts of Green is a global referendum on the environment," said Kathleen Rogers, president of the Earth Day Network. "It shows the breadth of support for strong, coordinated action to deal with our most pressing environmental challenges. And we're going to take this achievement to world leaders and demand just that."

Commitments large and small make up the total. Yeji from South Korea pledged to not use paper cups anymore, while Pearl from the United Kingdom pledged to sell her car and walk everywhere she could.

Hundreds of people pledged to eliminate the use of pesticides and toxic cleaning products, while hundreds of others pledged to plant a garden or eat more local food.

Nearly a thousand have signed a petition to Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to veto legislation that would open more of the Brazilian Amazon to clear-cut logging.

"We ask that you instruct law enforcement agencies to protect environmental activists and stop illegal logging," the petition states. "The Amazon is not only important to Brazil it is important to the entire planet. We call on you to defend the lungs of the Earth."

In Amman, Jordan, students at Patriarch Diodoros School formed an Earth Day Volunteers group and are "greening" their school inside and out. They have improved the school garden, held schoolwide assemblies on the environment and integrated environmental education throughout the curriculum.

Major contributions from large organizations drove the campaign to new heights, said Rogers.

For example, Earth Day Philippines contributed over 12 million Acts of Green through tree plantings, water projects, river clean-ups, recycling drives and school greenings. And two hundred Catholic parishes contributed 100,000 acts of green through local service projects.

Through the work of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Earth Day Network and 17 partner organizations around the world, the Avatar Home Tree Initiative, more than one million trees were planted on six continents. These tree-planting projects directly involved over 31,000 people, benefitting tens of thousands immediately and the entire planet for the future.

On this, the 42nd annual celebration of Earth Day, the Earth Day Network is urging Americans to contact the White House and Congress asking them to "fully fund environmental education at the federal level."

To mark Earth Day, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation focused on his Department of Education's Green Ribbon Schools recognition award "to encourage more schools to pursue sustainability, foster health and wellness, and integrate environmental literacy into the curriculum," launched last year.

Earth Day Network will showcase the Billion Acts of Green at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, this June in Brazil, where world leaders will gather to chart the way forward on building a global green economy.