歐巴馬競選政見:展延風力發電減稅期 | 環境資訊中心


摘譯自 2012年8月15日ENS美國,愛荷華州,HAVERHILL報導;柯雙華編譯;莫聞審校

8月14日美國總統Obama的競選中間站選擇觀摩愛荷華州Heil家族農場的風力渦輪機(轉載自歐巴馬競選辦公室)除非美國國會再次通過授權議案,政府提供的風電減稅優惠將於12月31日到期,此議題最近成為總統競選話題。美國總統歐巴馬14日的競選行程來到愛荷華州,參觀擁有風力渦輪機的農場,並抨擊不支持風能發電減稅案的競選對手Mitt Romney。

農場主人Richard Heil父子向歐巴馬展示他們的最近加裝在農場的風力渦輪機。他們與附近的地主一同組織社區合作社,打造了佔地2萬公頃的Laurel風場,擁有52台渦輪機供給3萬戶愛荷華州的住家用電。






2009年11月工人在猶他州的Milford為First Wind公司的風場安裝渦輪機,南方公共能源管理局是這項能源的買主。(照片來源NREL)現今風力產業提供7萬5千位美國人工作,其中有7千個工作來自於愛荷華州,超過其他任何一州。愛荷華州20%的電力來自於風力。



然而愛荷華州Romney競選總部發言人 Shawn McCoy於7月30日說道,「Romney不會阻止風力稅抵減案到期失效,他要各項能源能依其優勢在公平的規則下競爭。」「風能會蓬勃發展,不管在哪裡都有商業競爭力,那些私人企業都比總統有經驗多了,他們都認定投資是會有回報的。」


Obama Backs Wind Energy Tax Credit, Blasts Romney
HAVERHILL, Iowa, August 15, 2012 (ENS)

Obama Backs Wind Energy Tax Credit, Blasts Romney
HAVERHILL, Iowa, August 15, 2012 (ENS) – President Barack Obama used his Tuesday campaign visit to an Iowa farm that hosts wind turbines to slam his opponent, Mitt Romney, for his failure to support the wind energy production tax credit. The tax credit expires on December 31 unless it is reauthorized by Congress.

Farmers Richard Heil and his son showed Obama their wind turbines, recent additions to the land. The Heils formed a community cooperative with neighboring landowners to establish the Laurel Wind Farm, 52 wind turbines on 20,000 acres of land, which now power an estimated 30,000 Iowa homes.

Obama contrasted this campaign visit to the area with his 2008 campaign visit to nearby Newton, Iowa when the local Maytag plant was closing, throwing nearly 2,000 people out of work. Since then wind energy has offered those Iowa workers new job opportunities.

Obama said, “When I returned to Newton to visit that plant as President several months ago, some of the same folks who had lost their jobs at Maytag were back on the line building wind towers to support some of the most advanced wind turbines in the world. Earlier this year, at a different plant about five minutes from there, I met workers building enormous blades for these wind turbines. And I’m proud of the fact that, while we used to have to import parts like those, today they’re made in America by American workers.”

There are nearly 400 wind-related manufacturing facilities in the United States today, compared with just 30 in 2004.

But the wind energy industry is worried that Congress will not renew their production tax credit.
“Unfortunately, what we thought was a bipartisan consensus in supporting wind power has been fraying a little bit during election season,” the President said. “My opponent in this election says he wants to end tax credits for wind energy producers. He’s called these sources of energy ‘imaginary;’ his new running mate has called them a ‘fad.’”

“I think a lot of folks in Iowa would disagree, because wind farms like this and the good jobs that are down in Newton, they’re not a ‘fad’ and they’re not ‘imaginary,’ Obama said.

Today, wind-energy production supports 75,000 American jobs, including 7,000 jobs in Iowa, more than in any other state. Iowa gets about 20 percent of its electricity from wind.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that wind projects across the country created at least 52,000 jobs between 2009 and 2011.

A recent study by Navigant Consulting found that extending the production tax credit will allow the industry to grow to 100,000 jobs in four years, while an expiration would kill 37,000 jobs within a year.

Yet, Shawn McCoy, a spokesman for Romney’s Iowa campaign, told July 30, “He will allow the wind credit to expire, and create a level playing field on which all sources of energy can compete on their merits.

“Wind energy will thrive wherever it is economically competitive, and wherever private sector competitors with far more experience than the President believe the investment will produce results,” McCoy said.

At the Heil farm, Obama said, “Over the past four years, we’ve doubled the amount of electricity America can generate from wind and to put that in perspective, that’s like building 12 new Hoover Dams. That’s not imaginary. That is real. Unlike Governor Romney, I want to stop giving $4 billion in taxpayer subsidies to big oil companies that have rarely been more profitable”

“My expectation is that over the next several years, in the same way that we’ve doubled wind energy in the past,” he said, “we’re going to keep on doubling it in the future.”

全文及圖片詳見:Environment News Service