海廢再生丹寧新時尚 菲董籲重視海洋污染 | 環境資訊中心

海廢再生丹寧新時尚 菲董籲重視海洋污染


Pharrell Williams在新品發表會上。熱愛海洋的人們和時尚愛好者將攜手合作「漩渦計畫」(The Vortex Project),作為將海洋塑膠廢棄物改造為時尚丹寧布服飾的新契機。

計畫名稱來自於號稱全球最大垃圾場的太平洋垃圾漩渦(Pacific Trash Vortex);顧名思義,「漩渦計畫」主要就是回收海岸邊及海洋中的塑膠廢棄物,強化再利用成紗線、織物和其他消費性產品的原料。

環團、科學家、設計師合作  海廢有出路

計畫贊助夥伴之一的美國海洋看守協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)在本月紐約時裝周期間,與環保服飾公司Bionic Yarn於美國自然史博物館為「漩渦計畫」舉行開幕式。

面對在場300多位時尚界人士和媒體,海洋看守協會部長Paul Watson表示:「塑膠正以前所未見的速度使海洋和海中生物窒息。吸管、一次性塑膠袋、6罐裝飲料的塑膠包裝環、瓶蓋等塑膠垃圾,不是纏住海洋生物,就是堵塞他們的消化系統,導致這些美麗的生物死亡。我們希望,這個計畫能開啟日後許許多多有意義的合作機會。」


Raw for the Oceans:海中誕生的丹寧布

計畫的第一個合作對象,就是主打流行服飾的荷蘭設計公司(G-Star)旗下的丹寧品牌G-Star RAW,該公司將首次和主打環保素材的Bionic Yarn公司合作,創立Raw for the Oceans丹寧新品系列,主要材質均來自海洋中的廢棄塑膠。

Raw for the Oceans的時尚聲譽更將由人稱「菲董」的Pharrell Williams一手策畫。Williams曾獲葛萊美獎,是知名的創作歌手、饒舌歌手、唱片製作人、時尚企業家兼Bionic Yarn的創意總監。



這項活動能在紐約時裝周期間舉辦,也有賴Parley for the Oceans的促成。Parley for the Oceans是一個由多位藝術家、行動倡議者、引領時尚風潮的前衛人士、企業家和發明家點出問題,並試圖解決塑膠污染海洋生態問題的平台。

Parley for the Oceans在去年因Williams和Watson在柏林時裝周上的介紹而初試啼聲,美國海洋看守協會也是其正式合作夥伴。

The Vortex Project Transforms Ocean Plastic Into Fashion
NEW YORK, New York, February 9, 2014 (ENS)

People who love the oceans and people who love fashion have joined forces in The Vortex Project, a new initiative to clear the oceans of plastic debris and transform it into fashionable denim garments.

The project is named for the Pacific trash vortex, also called the Great Pacific garbage patch, a whirling gyre of plastic particles and larger pieces in the central North Pacific Ocean.

The Vortex Project will take plastic waste from oceans and shorelines, and recycle, enhance, and reuse it for yarn, fabric, and other elements in consumer products.

Cofounders Sea Shepherd Conservation Society USA and Bionic Yarn unveiled The Vortex Project Saturday at the American Museum of Natural History during New York’s Fashion Week.

Sea Shepherd head Captain Paul Watson told the crowd of 300 fashion industry professionals and media, “Plastic is choking our oceans and precious marine wildlife at an unprecedented rate. Straws, single-use bags, six-pack rings, drink lids and more are ensnaring marine animals or blocking their digestive systems, killing these magnificent creatures. We hope this is the first of many meaningful collaborations to come.”

The project’s first collaboration will be G-Star’s Raw for the Oceans, a denim line made of ocean plastic created by a new partnership between denim brand G-Star RAW and Bionic Yarn. G-Star RAW is a Dutch designer clothing company that produces urban clothing.

Raw for the Oceans fashions will be curated by Pharrell Williams, a Grammy winning singer-songwriter, rapper, record producer, fashion entrepreneur and creative director of Bionic Yarn.

Sea Shepherd will lead The Vortex Project in the areas of collecting, scientific innovation and awareness-building, and will work with Sea Shepherd entities worldwide to mobilize teams to help clean up the oceans and beaches.

The New York Fashion Week event is part of Parley for the Oceans, an initiative of artists, activists, tastemakers, entrepreneurs and innovators to address and solve the plastic pollution problem impacting ocean ecosystems. Sea Shepherd is an official partner of Parley for the Oceans.

At Parley for the Oceans at Berlin Fashion Week last summer, Williams and Watson introduced The Vortex Project, a core initiative of the Parley movement.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.