壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park | 環境資訊中心

壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park


壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park


壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park壽山國家自然公園包含了壽山、半屏山、龜山、左營舊城及旗後山等地區,位於高雄市西南邊陲,西臨臺灣海峽,因特殊的高位珊瑚礁地形,以及海洋氣候的溫、濕度調節等優勢條件,造就這些地區擁有豐富的熱帶及亞熱帶植物資源。



壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park

壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park

壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park

壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park

壽山國家自然公園 Shoushan National Natural Park
密毛魔芋 Amorphophallus hirtus N. E. Br.

Shoushan National Natural Park contains Shoushan, Banping Mountain, Kameyama, Old City of Zuoying and Cihou Hill and other areas, located in the southwest border of Kaohsiung City, west of the Taiwan Strait.

Shoushan National Natural Park has unique coral reef vegetation, a diverse organism population, and a multitude of natural resources preserved by years of military control of Shoushan and Gueishan. The park is a treasure trove of abundant plant and animal resources, making it the perfect place for natural science research and education.

Species that grow on human intervention lands, such as the mining areas and the cultivated lands and buildings near the foot of the mountain, includes the following Acacia confusa, Casuarina equisetifolia, Leucaena leucocephala and Delonix regia. Species on roadsides of the industrial roads include Roxburg Sumac, Macaranga tanarius and Broussonetia papyrifera. 

※ 圖文出自自林務局「台灣的自然保護區域」專書,禁止轉載。