最新的聯邦致癌物報告書出爐了-那又如何呢? | 環境資訊中心


ENS報導;楊璧如 編譯;蘇崧棱 、蔡麗伶 審校

作者 傑奇‧艾倫‧朱利安諾博士
-- 尼可拉‧席波迪奧克斯,10年級,道斯中學,新墨西哥(註:10年級,相當於台灣的高一年級)



甚至連那些遠在北極圈、幾無技術文明可言的伊努伊特族(註)的原住民,也難逃因隱含在天然食物中有毒化學物所造成的畸形兒及其他的健康問題。而遠在印度及埃及的污染物質,像加氯的殺蟲劑及多氯聯苯,也能經由空氣或海水造成北極圈的污染,甚至連動植物也無一倖免。 (註:Inuit,伊努伊特族人,是愛斯基摩人的一支。在加拿大、格陵蘭一帶,舊名有鄙視之意,現多已改稱。)











在第十版中所計劃增加的一些物質,可能會令你大吃一驚。就從今天開始吧,一步步減少你接觸的機會吧。  木工廠。(照片提供:美國木頭工藝學院)




















The Latest Federal Report on Carcinogens is Out - So What?

By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.
The mud shall cover our sins
and the water shall wash us free
and the brush shall cleanse our skin
and te wind shall weave our hair
and the sun shall bless our face.
The sky shall clothe us in blue.
-- Nicole Thibodeaux, Grade 10, Taos High School, New Mexico

We are surrounded in our daily lives by thousands of substances and combinations of substances that are affecting the health of nearly every woman, man, and child on Earth.

Our imperiled Earth (Photo courtesy National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA))

Even the Inuit native peoples who live in the extreme Arctic, about as far away from technological civilization as you can get, are at risk from birth defects and other health problems from toxic chemicals in their native foods. Pollutants, such as chlorinated pesticides and PCBs, find their way to the Arctic by air or by sea from as far away as India and Egypt. Even plants and animals are being impacted by this toxic load.

Frustration abounds among people everywhere who wish there was a way to identify toxic materials before they start harming people. Remarkably, the U.S. government has been producing a document since 1978 that tells us what substances in the marketplace are known to cause cancer. Unfortunately, the government is only required to publish the information, not to remove any of these deadly substances from the market.

Congress requires that the Department of Health and Human Services' National Toxicology Program (NTP) publish a report every two years. The report contains a list of substances that are either known to be human carcinogens or that may reasonably be anticipated to be human carcinogens. Substances are included if "a significant number of persons" in the United States are exposed to them.

To date, nine editions of the report have been published. The 9th Edition contained 218 entries and the 10th Edition is in the final stages of review.

Plastic teethers contain chemical softeners that have been found to be harmful to the health of young children. (Photo courtesy Greenpeace USA)

The law also states that the reports should provide available information on the nature of exposures, the estimated number of persons exposed and the extent to which the implementation of Federal regulations decreases the risk to public health from exposure to these chemicals. Industries hate this document, and their representatives and attorneys work hard to keep a substance from making the list.

The National Toxicology Program claims that the reports are purely informational and states that they "do not present risk assessments of cancer potential."

The agency goes on to say that "the listing of a substance in the report, therefore, does not establish that such substances or exposure circumstances presents a risk to persons in their daily lives. Such formal risk assessments are the responsibility of the appropriate federal, state, and local health regulatory and research agencies."

This, of course, is the usual political rhetoric to get the National Toxicology Program off the hook for all the sick people harmed by these substances.

If a substance makes it to the document, passing all the conservative tests and standards of the National Toxicology Program, you can bet it causes harm.

Since the Report on Carcinogens carries no regulatory power, people must act for themselves in removing these substances from their lives.

Here are a few of the items on the list. The complete report can be found at: http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov/

Proposed to be added to the 10th edition of the Report are some substances that may surprise you. Take steps now to reduce your exposure today.

Woodworking shop (Photo courtesy American Woodworking Academy)Wood Dust

Wood dust

Wood dust is a candidate for the 10th Edition, suggested by the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration, the agency that regulates workplace safety. The agency estimates that at least two million people are routinely exposed occupationally to wood dust worldwide while sanding furniture or constructing cabinets. Because wood is treated with so many chemicals, including arsenic, the dust is harmful and is carcinogenic. People who make wood furniture or cabinets for their own homes are also exposed to the dust. With the huge amount of interest in home improvement projects, this finding affects a large number of Americans.

Ultraviolet Radiation

Broad spectrum ultraviolet (UV) radiation from natural sources like the Sun or unnatural sources like tanning salons or even fluorescent lights is under consideration for listing. UV is known to cause skin cancer and the incidence of skin cancers is rising in the United States. Turn off those fluorescent lights, stay away from tanning parlors, and use sunscreen.


The presence of talc on the list ends years of controversy. Many people have believed for decades that talc powder - both with and without asbestos - results in increased cancer risk, and studies have confirmed this connection. Studies have shown increased incidences of alveolar/bronchiolar cancers of the lung in female rats. Recently published studies of the distribution and determinants of cancer among pottery workers suggest that talc exposure is associated with lung and ovarian cancer in women workers in this industry. Don't wait for further proof. Switch to using non-talc powders.


Methyleugenol is a substance that most people have never heard of, yet can sometimes be found in the list of ingredients in jellies, baked goods, nonalcoholic beverages, chewing gum, candy, and ice cream. It is also used as a fragrance for many perfumes, lotions, detergents and soaps. Studies have shown clear evidence of carcinogenic activity of methyleugenol in rats and mice.

Steroidal Estrogens

These hormores are used widely in oral contraceptives and in post-menopausal therapy for women. The International Agency for Research on Cancer believes that there is a "consistent, strongly positive association between exposure to a number of estrogenic substances and risk of endometrial and breast cancer in women."

Vinyl Fluoride

Used in the production of polyvinyl fluoride which is used for plastics, this material is present in plastic and vinyl toys for babies. Remove them at once from your children. Babies and young children, who put everything into their mouths, should only be given untreated wood toys.

Substances already on the list that were included in the 9th Edition of the Report are:

Ethylene oxide

This chemical is used to make other chemicals, and is also widely used in the health care industry to sterilize medical devices. Hospital workers should beware.


Millions of people are exposed to this deadly chemical, predominantly used for vapor degreasing of metal parts in the automotive and metal industries. It is also used as a component of adhesives and as a solvent in paint strippers, lubricants, paints, varnishes, pesticides, and cold metal cleaners. It is used as a low temperature heat transfer medium and as a chemical intermediate in the production of pharmaceuticals, flame retardant chemicals and insecticides. It is used in metal phosphatizing systems, textile processing, the production of polyvinyl chloride and aerospace operations.

Now banned for use in foods and beverages, it was used to decaffeinate coffee. It has been banned for pet foods, medicine, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics because of its toxicity.

We cannot underestimate or ignore the immense toxic assault on our bodies and minds from these and other substances. Act now to protect yourself and your family. If you wait for action from federal, state, or local governments, you will probably be waiting a very long time.











9. 閱讀有關危險木材的訊息http://www.osha-slc.gov/SLTC/wooddust/

10. 找出誰是你的國會代表,並且寄電子郵件給他。告訴他所有列在致癌物質報告中的物質種類,都應該要立刻被消除。如果一個強健的經濟體http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ziptoit.html

11.聯絡布希總統mailto:president@whitehouse.gov. (link sends e-mail) 告訴他必需要停止環境所遭受的打擊。

12.在『行動資產』組織運作的『行動帶來改變』網站上,發表你的意見http://www.workingforchange.com/activism/category.cfm?CategoryId=5, 在這裡你可以容易地將不同的訊息郵寄給真正需要知道的人。

傑奇‧艾倫‧朱利安諾博士,是西雅圖的教師兼作家。他正在準備迎接兒子的出生。他想知道:如何在這個不安的世界,讓兒子能夠健康地成長。請將你的想法、評論與觀察寄到以下的信箱給他:jackie@healingourworld.com (link sends e-mail),或是造訪他的網頁如下:http://www.healingourworld.com


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.