至1日為止,願意提供美國援助的國家,包括俄羅斯、日本、加拿大、法國、宏都拉斯、德國、委內瑞拉、美洲國家組織(Organization of American States)、牙買加、北大西洋公約組織(NATO)、澳洲、英國、荷蘭、瑞士、希臘、匈牙利、哥倫比亞、多明尼加、薩爾瓦多、墨西哥、中國大陸、南韓、阿拉伯聯合大公國。麥可梅克指出:「這些願意伸出援手國家的名單每小時都在增加當中。」
美國聯邦急難管理署(Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA)及國土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)將外國政府的協助提供給災民。這兩個機構視援助種類及授援國的能力以配合災情需求,麥可梅克解釋。
The top United Nations emergency relief official has offered the United States the world body’s help in “any way possible” following the loss of life and destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf Coast. At first, U.S. officials, while thanking the United Nations for its offer, did not request any assistance. But Thursday, U.S. officials indicated they are open to all offers as dozens of foreign governments lined up to pledge assistance.
Secretary Condoleeza Rice, after consulting with the White House, "has made it clear that we will accept all offers of foreign assistance," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in Washington. "Anything that can be of help to alleviate the difficult situation, the tragic situation, of the people of the area affected by Hurricane Katrina will be accepted," McCormack said.
As of Thursday the countries and international organizations willing to help include - Russia, Japan, Canada, France, Honduras, Germany, Venezuela, the Organization of American States, Jamaica, NATO, Australia, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, China, South Korea, Israel and the United Arab Emirates." The list of countries offering assistance is "growing literally by the hour," McCormack said.
Offers of assistance made by foreign governments are sent by the State Department to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security. Theses agencies look at what the offers are, what the capabilities of those foreign countries are and match them up against needs, McCormack explained.
Governments have offered boats, aircraft, tents, blankets, generators, and cash assistance, and McCormack said an offer of energy assistance from Venezuela was made through Citgo, which is a U.S. subsidiary of the Venezuelan Government National Oil Company.
On Wednesday, Secretary-General Kofi Annan expressed his sympathy for Katrina’s victims. "I hope, in the coming weeks, all will be done to provide support for those who need it,” he said.