懷俄明州立大學教授傑克森(Steve Jackson)與來自威斯康辛州立大學的研究團隊發現,如果全球暖化的趨勢未減緩,熱帶與副熱帶地區將面對新的氣候型態的到來。這群科學家們針對未來100年內可能面臨的氣候劇變做了風險評估。研究發現,無論溫室氣體排放量高低,許多地區都將受到氣候變遷的影響,甚或導致重要生態體系的改變,如針葉林變草原,或雨林變成長有稀樹草原等。
共同主持此一研究計劃的地理學家威廉(Jack Williams)表示,「我們必須找出氣候變遷將對哪些區域影響最大,這些地區也許不在我們的地圖上。」 傑克森補充,「再過幾十年,天氣型態可能將完全異於今日,對於預測經濟、農業與生態的影響,將會是一大挑戰。」
Many current climate zones will vanish entirely by the year 2100, replaced by climates unknown today, according to new global warming research. The greatest changes are predicted for Amazonian and Indonesian rainforests, but areas such as the southeastern and western United States, northwestern Australia, and the Arabian Peninsula also would be affected.
Tropical and subtropical regions would experience new climates if current global warming trends continue, found University of Wyoming Professor Steve Jackson and his colleagues at the University of Wisconsin. The scientists assessed the risk of novel and disappearing climates during the next 100 years. They found that under both the high-end and low-end emissions scenarios, many regions would experience climate changes large enough to drive major ecological transformations - pine forest would turn into grassland, or rainforest would become savanna.
"We want to identify the regions of the world where climate change will result in climates unlike any today," Williams says. "These are the areas beyond our map." "In a few decades, climates in many areas will be unlike any in our current experience," Jackson said. "That poses huge challenges for predicting economic, agricultural, and ecological consequences."