Tunghai University International College Sustainability Science and Engineering Program Faculty Recruiting Announcement
A full-time or project-based assistant professor or above position is available in the Sustainability Science and Engineering (SSE) Program of the International College, starting August 1, 2019. The SSE Program is an undergraduate degree-conferring (Bachelor of Science), English-immersion program. The program focuses on fostering talents to fill the needs of sustainable development, and we are seeking for faculty members dedicated to teaching and interacting with students in the program.
Applicants with the following qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications:
1. Strong English proficiency. All SSE lectures are conducted in English.
2. A doctoral degree (Ph.D) in fields related to sustainability development.
Application Materials:
1) Cover letter in English
2) CV in English
3) Copy of diploma
4) Copy of graduate transcripts
5) Three reference letters
6) A teaching and research statement in English
Deadline: April 08, 2019. Please enclose email-address and phone/cell-phone numbers and send to all application materials (hard-copies only) to Personnel Office, Tunghai University, 1727, Section 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung, Taiwan 40704, R.O.C (Sustainability Science and Engineering Faculty Recruitment)
In addition, please email a copy of application materials and applicant information form (see attachment) to sse@thu.edu.tw and kelly_chen@thu.edu.tw.
Submitted application materials will not be returned.
http://ic.thu.edu.tw/; Email:sse@thu.edu.tw; Tel : 886-4-2359-0121 ext. 39200