由台灣戶外冒險團隊(Taiwan Adventure Outings)舉辦的全國淨灘日,2019年已邁入第三屆,5月25日將在20個地點舉辦淨灘,從海岸到森林,計畫清出超過一萬公斤的垃圾。
May 25th, 2019 marks the 3rd annual Taiwan National Clean Up day, an initiative started by Taiwan Adventure Outings. Taiwan National Clean Up day will take place across 20 locations in Taiwan, from coastlines to forests, in an effort to clean 10,000kg worth of Garbage.
In 2018, Taiwan National Clean Up day and the 600+ volunteers were responsible for cleaning up 4 tons of garbage across 14 locations from Taiwan's forests and beaches. This year, the goals have been elevated. On May 25th, 2019, Taiwan National Clean Up Day aims to clean over 10,000 kg, and attract 2,000 volunteers. The locations have been expanded to 20, with a variety of companies and organizations sponsoring each location.
活動說明Event Description: 2019 全國淨灘日(2019 Taiwan National Cleanup Day)
時間Time: 2019/5/24,早上十點(10am )
地點Location: 詳見海報。20 Locations around Taiwan ( https://taoutings.com/tao-causes/taiwan-national-clean-up-day/ )
聯絡資訊Contact: /Phone: /E-mail: Mark Blackburn (mark@onebrownplanet.com), Ryan Hevern (ryan@taoutings.com)
主辦單位Organizer: Taiwan Adventure Outings ( https://taoutings.com/ ) and One Brown Planet (https://onebrownplanet.com/ )
活動網站Event website: https://taoutings.com/tao-causes/taiwan-national-clean-up-day/