- 活動說明:
#台灣靜脈產業祖師爺 #比你聰明的AI垃圾桶 #循環經濟 #國際沙龍
The “take-make-dispose” linear manufacturing model is going to be ruled out of the world, while the era of Circular Economy has come! According to McKinsey, the investment opportunities to go circular could reach $2 trillion by 2030 in Europe along. Who are the trailblazers moving the needles?
Anchor Taiwan presents you "Venture into Circularity: The Power of Capital and Entrepreneurship," a unique forum bringing together startups and investors. Walk away with insights, connections and business opportunities from this special gathering!
Anchor Taiwan 特別推出「循環經濟國際沙龍:用投資創造世界的下一個美好」,邀請頂尖的新創企業分享相關趨勢及心法,探索下一個十年循環經濟的可能!
14:00 Door Open
14:00 - 14:30 Check-in and Networking
14:30 - 14:40 Opening Remark & Introduction
14:40 - 15:30 Keynote
15:30 - 16:00 Panel Discussion
16:00 - 16:15 Q&A
16:15 - 17:00 Further Networking
RSVP: https://forms.gle/AXrtLDn3ZFygCUN1A
Cost: NT$300, refreshments included.|現場備有輕食,將於貴賓報到時收取現金。
Taipei International Convention Center(TICC)
No. 1, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City
Room 105(at the left-hand side when entering from the East Gate at Zhuangjing Road)
台北國際會議中心 (TICC) 105室 (莊敬路大門口進門後左手邊)
地址: 110台北市信義區信義路五段一號
- Gordon Yu 余金龍, Chairman of eTouch Innovation
Gordon Yu is currently the Chairman of eTouch Innovation, VP & CSO of EVP Technology, CSO of UWin Nanotech, and the MD of Taiwan Hsinchu Green Industry Association. Since 1993, Gordon had begun his entrepreneurship by co-founding C-ONE and Pretec, later merged with SanDisk and Foxconn respectively. He now has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and bringing innovative technologies to mass adoption through strategic alliances or international M&A. In recent years, Gordon frequently gives speeches about sustainability and circular economy, invited by Global Bioeconomy Summit (Germany), EU-Taiwan Green Summit (Taiwan), Asia Clean Energy Forum (hosted by ADB, USAID, and UNIDO in Philippine), Asia Pacific City Summit (Australia), and Gunter Pauli, author of The Blue Economy.
- Charles Yhap, Co-Founder & CEO, CleanRobotics
Charles Yhap is a serial social entrepreneur and CEO/Co-Founder of CleanRobotics. He has over 15 years of experience in the fields of environmental protection and human rights with mission-driven startups. In 2015, he started CleanRobotics to use AI and IoT for data-driven waste management. Backed by SOSV, GAN Ventures and Innovation Works, CleanRobotics's smart trash bin "Trashbot" can now been seen at places like Pittsburgh International Airport, PPG Stadium and Arena, Google Pittsburgh, Recology Seattle, and University of North Carolina. Charles is a Semi-finalist in IBM Watson's AI Xprize. He has a Master’s in International Development from the University of Pittsburgh.
Anchor Taiwan is a platform for world-class entrepreneurs and professionals to experience and succeed in Asia through Taiwan. Since its inception in 2017, it has hosted top founders and executives from Y Combinator, 500 Startups, UBS, Deutsche Telekom, Warner Bros., Uber and Intel, to name a few. Specializing in curation, mobilization and execution for win-win cross-border collaboration, Anchor Taiwan provides business advancement and market/cultural immersion for its members while engaging and empowering local communities. In 2019, Anchor Taiwan started setting up Anchor Venture Partners, a cross-border funding vehicle for early stage startups. Find out more: anchortaiwan.com
Anchor Taiwan 透過商業對接、社群交流和文化體驗,吸引國際新創和科技人才在台駐點 30 天,提升台灣的能見度,並增加廠商合作和資金人才往來的機會。目前已經參訪配合過的企業及社群夥伴包含宏達電、光寶、緯創、雪豹科技、大型加速器 MOX、AppWorks、Girls in Tech、工研院快制中心、外貿協會等等。成立至今,Anchor Taiwan 已經帶進全球加速器龍頭 Y Combinator 以及 500 Startups 投資的團隊,以及來自華納兄弟 (Warner Bros.)、德國電信 (Deutsche Telekom)、瑞銀 (UBS)、Uber、Intel 等國際人才,舉辦過的科技論壇以及創業沙龍含括物聯網、設計思考、群眾募資、農業科技、教育、虛擬實境、循環經濟等。Anchor Taiwan 於2019年開始 Anchor Venture Partners 的佈局,希望透過早期投資為創新創業帶來更多動能。了解更多:anchortaiwan.com
Event Partner:中華民國對外貿易發展協會 - TAITRA | 台灣國際循環經濟展 Circular Economy Taiwan
- 時間:2019/9/27 星期五 14:00
- 地點:TICC 台北國際會議中心 105室
- 報名方式:9 月 26 日截止 報名捷徑
- 聯絡人:Alison /E-mail:alison@anchortaiwan.com
- 主辦單位:Anchor Taiwan
- 活動網站:https://www.facebook.com/events/664387807381465/