「環境與氣候變遷的研究-挑戰與機會」研討會 | 環境資訊中心





報名:報名表填畢後,傳真至:(02)27833584 email nellie@gate.sinica.edu.tw


聯絡人:張玉婷 (02)26539885250


 The fact that the environmental and climatic conditions on Earth are changing at a significant rate is undeniable. The contribution of human activities to these changes and the role that human activities may play in mitigating these changes are the subjects of debate. The recent discussions on the mandatory reduction of the emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases and the associated socio-economic dislocations bring these issues to the forefront. The purposes of this workshop are to provide exposures to ongoing research activities on environmental and climatic changes in and in the international scene and to foster a dialogue on the challenges and opportunities in this line of research.


 詳情請見 活動網站

2007-06-13(週三) to 2007-06-14(週四)