卡崔娜颶環境破壞威力 超出想像 | 環境資訊中心

卡崔娜颶環境破壞威力 超出想像


美國路易斯安那州立環境品質部6日指出,卡崔娜颶風災後所殘留下的環境遭破壞程度「幾近難以想像」。路州環品部(DEQ)秘書麥克丹尼爾(Mike McDaniel)於巴頓魯治的國土安全局之新聞稿中表示,鑑定小組正在廢棄工廠、數百座廢水處理廠和受汙染水源等地,尋找可能的危險物質。

預估7萬8千桶原油從巴斯製業(Bass Enterprises Production Company)的威尼斯原油儲油槽流入密西西比河中。在路易斯安那州莎爾梅特(Chalmette)一座墨菲儲油槽,也因被颶風正面擊中因而不斷漏油。 環品部發言人凱利表示,原油已經流到鄰近地區,但是因為整的地區仍浸泡在水中,所以目前無法預估漏出的原油總量。凱利表示:「問題在於到不災區」,因此環品部尚無法就此處和其他許多漏出原油和化學物質的進行清查。

在紐奧良,整個城市到處都是浮在洪水表面的原油,火苗到處竄燒;而在鄰近一些地區,洪水仍然淹到屋頂那麼高。 麥克丹尼爾表示,包括沃特福德(Waterford)三號核電廠等輻射源已經做好了防護措施,同時路州也與聯邦核能管制委員會(NRC)合作,要重啟紐奧良西方20英里處一座電廠。



Hurricane Environmental Damage "Almost Unimaginable"
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, September 7, 2005 (ENS)

Hurricane Katrina has left Louisiana with environmental wreckage that is "almost unimaginable," the head of the state Department of Environmental Quality said on Tuesday. In a news briefing at the Homeland Security Office in Baton Rouge, DEQ secretary Mike McDaniel said assessment crews are finding hazardous materials in ruined factories, hundreds of damaged sewage plants, and polluted water.

An estimated 78,000 barrels of oil is flowing down the Mississippi River from the Venice oil storage depot of Bass Enterprises Production Company. At Chalmette, Louisiana, a Murphy oil tank was knocked off center by the storm and is leaking.  DEQ spokesperson Jean Kelly says the oil has spread into the surrounding neighborhoods. But no estimate of the amount of oil spilled is possible as the entire area is under water. "The problem is access," she said, and for that reason the DEQ has not been able to assess this and the numerous other oil and chemical spills as yet.

In New Orleans, fires are burning across the city on the oily surface of the flood waters that still reach to the rooftops in some neighborhoods.  Sources of nuclear radiation, including the Waterford III nuclear power plant, have been secured, McDaniel said, and the state is working with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to restart the power plant 20 miles west of New Orleans.

To the estimated 10,000 residents still believed to remain in the city, Mayor Ray Nagin warned today that they must get out now or risk being taken out by force.

State health officials are still advising residents to boil all water used to drink, cook, make ice or brush teeth in the parishes of Livingston, Orleans etc. The boil order was lifted today for all other parishes since testing showed their water does not contain unsafe levels of bacteria and is safe to drink and use.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.