德國主場G7峰會 氣候基礎建設為重 啟動千億美元投資開發中國家 | 環境資訊中心

德國主場G7峰會 氣候基礎建設為重 啟動千億美元投資開發中國家

環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;鄒敏惠 審校;稿源:ENS

世界最富裕的七個民主國家,26日在德國主辦的G7會議上正式啟動「全球基礎建設投資夥伴計畫」(Partnership for Global Infrastructure),要動員數千億美元支持氣候行動、改善網路安全、性別平等和衛生保健。


圖片來源:Number 10(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
2022年G7峰會在德國舉行。圖片來源:Number 10(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

在G7領導人峰會前的會議上,德國總理蕭茲(Olaf Scholz)和美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)表示,此次G7會議將針對俄羅斯進一步入侵烏克蘭、氣候以及經濟和民主韌性協調因應措施。






英國首相強生(Boris Johnson)和加拿大總理杜魯道(Justin Trudeau)都強調,需要將G7的「大量資源用於幫助開發中國家、以環保永續的方式發展」。


新的全球基礎建設夥伴計畫(Partnership for Global Infrastructure, GPII;不同於另一個組織Global Infrastructure Partners)正在進行的一些計畫包括:


美國華盛頓特區AfricaGlobal Schaffer公司與佛羅里達州開發商Sun Africa、安哥拉政府合作,將在安哥拉南部四個省份開發一座價值20億美元的太陽能電廠。

該計畫將包括太陽能微電網、具有電信功能的太陽能屋頂和家用電源套件。除了美國出口將高達130萬美元外,該計畫還將幫助安哥拉履行其氣候承諾,包括到2025年實現70%的無碳發電。財政支援來自美國商務部(U.S. Department of Commerce)和美國進出口銀行(Export-Import Bank of the United States)。


美國國際開發署(United States Agency for International Development, USAID)將投資4000萬美元於東南亞智慧電力計畫,透過增加區域能源貿易、加速乾淨能源技術的部署,以及讓私營部門和主要發展夥伴有共同的優先事項,實現脫碳和強化該地區的電力系統。在美國政府援助下,該計畫預計籌集20億美元,提升區域能源貿易5%,並部署2GW的先進能源系統。


美國國際開發金融公司(U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, DFC)將投資影響力創投基金「Omnivore Agritech and Climate Sustainability Fund 3」高達3000萬美元,資助企業家在印度建設農業、糧食系統、氣候和農村經濟。該基金的目標資本額是9月首次收盤價達到6500萬美元,2023年最終收盤價達到1.3億美元。透過這項投資,DFC預計將籌集3000萬美元的私人資本。


美國政府與俄勒岡州「NuScale Power」公司將提供1400萬美元,支持羅馬尼亞部署首座小型模組化核反應發電廠的前端工程和設計研究。在美國商務部的倡議支持以及國務院和美國貿易和發展署的技術支援下,這項投資案要動員數十億美元,展示美國在先進核領域的領頭能力,加速乾淨能源轉型,創造數千個就業機會,並加強歐洲能源安全,同時堅持核能安全、供給穩定和防擴散的最高標準。


G7主席國德國還發起「氣候俱樂部」(Climate Club),強調開放、合作,是一個旨在協調降低碳排放的正式同盟,以加速去碳化進程,並促進節能企業的永續發展。


  1. 在溫室氣體二氧化碳定價統一標準上達成共識
  2. 在支持積極實施氣候保護措施的國家上達成共識
  3. 促進向非G7成員的知識和技術轉移
  4. 支持非G7成員國的氣候政策改革
  5. 加速公正轉型永續和氣候中和社會
  6. 加強氣候變遷因應研究
  7. 讓氣候與聯合國全球永續發展目標和安全政策對齊,因為氣候變遷是個「風險倍增器」
Germany’s G7 Puts Climate Infrastructure Front and Center
SCHLOSS ELMAU, Bavaria, Germany, June 26, 2022 (ENS)

G7 leaders in a working session. Clockwise from left: Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz, U.S. President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and European Council President Charles Michel. Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, Germany, June 26, 2022 (Photo courtesy Government of Germany)

At a century-old luxury resort in a Bavarian Alpine nature reserve, the world’s seven largest and wealthiest liberal democracies today formally launched the Partnership for Global Infrastructure to mobilize “hundreds of billions of dollars” to support climate action and improve cybersecurity, gender equality and health care.

Germany holds the presidency of the G7 in 2022. The German Presidency says the G7 of 2022 “will work to protect the climate, the environment and biodiversity and to accelerate the global energy transition.”

In their meeting ahead of the G7 Leaders’ Summit today, Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany and U.S. President Joe Biden said the G7 meeting, which wraps on June 28, will coordinate responses to Russia’s further invasion of Ukraine, climate, and economic and democratic resilience.

President Biden announced the U.S. aims to mobilize $200 billion for the infrastructure partnership over the next five years through grants, federal financing, and leveraging private sector investments.

“Together with G7 partners, we aim to mobilize $600 billion by 2027 in global infrastructure investments. And this will only be the beginning. The United States and its G7 partners will seek to mobilize additional capital from other like-minded partners, multilateral development banks, development finance institutions, sovereign wealth funds, and more,” he said.

Biden explained that the partnership would be executed across “four priority pillars that will define the second half of the 21st century.”

The first pillar is climate stabilization, defined by the White House as, “Tackling the climate crisis and bolstering global energy security through investments in climate resilient infrastructure, transformational energy technologies, and developing clean energy supply chains across the full integrated lifecycle, from the responsible mining of metals and critical minerals; to low-emissions transportation and hard infrastructure; to investing in new global refining, processing, and battery manufacturing sites; to deploying proven, as well as innovative, scalable technologies in places that do not yet have access to clean energy.”

The second pillar is cybersecurity – developing, expanding, and deploying secure information and communications technology.

The third pillar is advancing gender equality with improved childcare, water and sanitation infrastructure, and fourth is upgrading the infrastructure of health systems and contributing to global health security through investments in patient-centered health services and the workforce; vaccine and other essential medical product manufacturing; as well as disease surveillance, early warning systems, safe and secure labs.

Both UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stressed the need to direct the G7’s “substantial resources towards helping developing countries grow in a green and sustainable way.”

Climate Infrastructure on the Drawing Board

A few of the projects in the works under the new Partnership for Global Infrastructure, GPII, not to be confused with a different organization named Global Infrastructure Partners, are:

U.S. firm AfricaGlobal Schaffer of Washington, DC, in collaboration with U.S. project developer Sun Africa of Miami, Florida, signed a contract with the Government of Angola to develop a US$2 billion solar project in four southern Angola provinces. The project will include solar mini-grids, solar cabins with telecommunications capabilities, and home power kits. In addition to supporting up to $1.3 million in U.S. exports, the project will help Angola meet its climate commitments, including generating 70 percent carbon-free power by 2025. Financial support comes from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

USAID will invest $40 million in the Southeast Asia’s Smart Power Program to decarbonize and strengthen the region’s power system by increasing regional energy trade, accelerating the deployment of clean energy technologies, and engaging private sector leaders and key development partners in shared priorities. The program is expected to mobilize $2 billion in financing as a result of U.S. Government assistance, increase regional energy trade by five percent, and result in two gigawatts of advanced energy systems deployed.

The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, DFC, will invest up to $30 million in Omnivore Agritech and Climate Sustainability Fund 3, an impact venture capital fund that invests in entrepreneurs building the future of agriculture, food systems, climate, and the rural economy in India. The Fund is targeting a $65 million first close in September and a final close in 2023 to reach its target capitalization of $130 million. Through this investment, DFC expects to mobilize $30 million in private capital.

The U.S. Government with U.S. firm NuScale Power of Tigard, Oregon will provide $14 million in support for the Front-End Engineering and Design study for Romania’s deployment of a first-of-its-kind small modular nuclear reactor power plant. Building on U.S. Government efforts, including advocacy support from the Department of Commerce and technical assistance from the State Department and U.S. Trade and Development Agency, this investment is meant to mobilize a multi-billion-dollar effort and showcase U.S. ingenuity in the advanced nuclear sector, accelerate the clean energy transition, create thousands of jobs, and strengthen European energy security while upholding the highest standards for nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation.

Germany Promotes a ‘Climate Club’

Through its G7 Presidency, Germany is initiating the establishment of an open, cooperative “climate club,” a formal alliance to harmonize reduction of carbon emissions, which could accelerate decarbonization and promote sustainable development of energy efficient businesses.

The concept advanced on May 20, when the G7 finance ministers and central bank governors released a communique stating their intent to explore a “climate club.”

The primary goal of the German climate club proposal is to accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement by persuading G7 members to:

  • Agree on uniform standards for the pricing of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide
  • Agree on common measures for supporting countries that implement ambitious climate protection measures
  • Promote the transfer of knowledge and technology to non-G7 club members
  • Support climate policy reform in non-G7 club member countries
  • Accelerate the just, global transition towards sustainable and climate-neutral societies
  • Enhance research on tackling climate change
  • Align climate aspects with the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals and with security policy as it relates to climate change as a risk multiplier

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


