號召對抗全球暖化的「Live Earth」24小時演唱會,將橫跨全球七大州同步舉行。Live Earth於6月11日公佈南非站的演出陣容與售票訊息,表演地點在約翰尼斯堡近郊馬羅彭(Maropeng)的著名考古遺址—「人類文明搖籃」(The Cradle of Humankind)。
Live Earth全球環保演唱會預定在7月7日自澳洲雪梨拉開序幕,全球七大洲的其他城市將陸續加入連線,鼓舞世人以行動解決暖化危機。
Live Earth將帶來超過100個世界當紅的音樂表演,希望能啟發全世界20億以上的觀眾,齊心協力加入這場抵抗地球暖化的公眾運動。
本次Live Earth音樂會其實是一項長期運動的序曲,此運動由「氣候保護聯盟」(Alliance for Climate Protection)與其他國際性非政府組織聯合發起,計畫連續推行數年,以敦促個人、企業與政府採取行動,解決暖化所帶來的融冰、海面上升、劇烈天氣等問題。
主辦單位在製作Live Earth的所有表演時,將採行新的環保守則,因應現場活動對回收、飲食、包裝、運輸、能源、用水,與場地本身造成的各種衝擊。
Live Earth並與網路媒體MSN合作,將音樂會實況向世界各角落播送。7月7日約翰尼斯堡站的音樂會可於http://liveearth.za.msn.com線上即時觀賞。預計透過MSN全球39個在地化的入口網站,預計每月吸引4億6千萬用戶。
The 24 hour Live Earth concert series to combat global warming is taking shape on seven continents. Live Earth Monday announced the artist line-up and ticketing information for the South Africa show, which will be staged at The Cradle of Humankind, Maropeng, just outside of Johannesburg.
The 24 hour Live Earth concert series to stimulate action against global warming will begin in Sydney, Australia on July 7, 2007 and continue across all seven continents.
Concerts will be staged in Tokyo, Japan; Shanghai, China; Johannesburg, South Africa; London, United Kingdom; Hamburg, Germany; Istanbul, Turkey; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Antarctica, before the day of music concludes in New York, United States.
Live Earth will bring together more than 100 of the world's hot music acts to inspire an estimated audience of over two billion people to coalesce into a mass movement that can reverse global warming.
Live Earth marks the beginning of a multi-year campaign by the Alliance for Climate Protection and other international nongovernmental organizations to move individuals, corporations and governments to take action to solve the problems of melting ice, rising sea levels, extreme weather.
At all concerts the Live Earth production team will implement new "green event" guidelines that will address the major areas of impact of live events, including recycling, food and beverages, packaging, transportation, energy, water usage, and the event site itself.
From power generation at the concerts to garbage generated by concert goers, Live Earth will seek to "design out" waste and become the model for future live entertainment events.
Online media partner MSN is helping Live Earth reach people everywhere. Live Earth Johannesburg will be streamed live on 7/7/07 at http://liveearth.za.msn.com. MSN's 39 localized web portals worldwide attract 465 million monthly users.