尼泊爾生物多樣性研究協會會長,同時也是加德滿都川布萬大學副教授的Kumar Chalise博士,在尼泊爾野生動物保育方面的成果相當出名,其中又以非人類靈長動物為主要重點。
Two internationally known wildlife biologists - one from Nepal and one from the United States - have expanded their long collaboration in the field to establish Nepal's first primate research center. Based on the captive breeding of Nepal's rhesus monkey, the center will facilitate the study of disease progression and treatment in both countries.
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Chalise, president of the Nepal Biodiversity Research Society and associate professor at Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, is well known for his efforts in the conservation of Nepal's wildlife with particular focus on non-human primates.
Dr. Randall Kyes, associate professor at the University of Washington in Seattle and Head of the Division of International Programs at the Washington National Primate Research Center, has worked for 20 years to promote the conservation of natural populations of primates around the world.
The Nepal Primate Research Center, now under construction at Lamatar in Lalitpur District, will breed the monkeys in captivity, and the offspring will be sold for research into AIDS and other human diseases.
The scientists believe that to help ease human suffering from disease, the humane use of animals for research is justified. Both are committed to the conservation of wildlife but say that conservation also involves support of the human species.