迦納礦業公司以孩童為推銷目標 輿論強烈譴責 | 環境資訊中心

迦納礦業公司以孩童為推銷目標 輿論強烈譴責


迦納社區民眾 :: 圖片來源:www.earthworksaction.org針對新猛迦納礦業公司與Junior Graphic週報建立合作關係,試圖向迦納國內的孩童灌輸開採金礦的正面訊息,迦納新聞研究院日前對此提出反對意見。新聞人員反對的原因,部分是因為他們認為新猛礦業公司在其哈爾計劃(Ahafo Project)的營運區域內,傾倒廢棄物至當地社區飲用水源的河川之中。

Ghana Journalists Condemn Gold Mining Campaign Aimed at Children
ACCRA, Ghana, January 23, 2006 (ENS)
The Ghana Institute of Journalism is objecting to a new public relations collaboration between the mining company Newmont Ghana Gold Ltd. and the weekly newspaper "Junior Graphic" to make positive information about gold mining available to children in Ghana. The journalists object in part because they say Newmont Ghana has dumped human waste into a river within the company's Ahafo Project operational area that is a source of drinking water for local communities.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.