聯合國與google聯手 清潔地球成果網上現 | 環境資訊中心

聯合國與google聯手 清潔地球成果網上現


西班牙Cordoba的兒童在當地參與「清潔世界運動」;圖片來源:Clean Up the World Weekend聯合國環境規劃署9月19日宣布,一項可以追蹤全球環保活動的線上工具開始啟用,同時其也是本年度「世界清潔日」(Clean Up the World Weekend)運動的一部分。全球「世界清潔日」運動在9月的第3個周末進行。


澳洲環境鬥士伊恩基南(Ian Kiernan)在16年前所發起該活動。-到了今年9月19日的「世界清潔日」,發起組織及聯合國環境規劃署更架設了相關網站


今年度的活動很大部分聚焦於如何限制氣候變遷造成可能的衝擊,運動的主題為「從今天開始?拯救明天?清理我們的氣候。(Start today? Save tomorrow? Clean Up Our Climate.)」

聯合國環境規劃署執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)表示,「氣候變遷是21世紀人類所面臨最重要的議題,我們的生命受到威脅,而且影響遍及所有國家及社區;因此,讓我們從今天開始拯救明天。」



Clean Up The World Maps Activities Online
SYDNEY, Australia, September 19, 2008 (ENS)

A new online tool will track environmental protection activities across the planet as part of the annual Clean Up the World Weekend, the United Nations Environment Programme announced today.

Clean Up the World Weekend, celebrated globally on the third weekend in September, starts today.

Clean Up the World is a global environmental campaign held in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme, which assists through distribution of media materials and endorsement of the program, as well as encouraging a worldwide network of environment and community groups to participate.

Founded by Australian environmental campaigner Ian Kiernan 16 years ago, the Clean Up the World campaign and UNEP are launching the website today.

"All over the world people are seeing the devastating effects of climate change. Clean Up the World provides every person and every community with the opportunity to do something about it," Kiernan said.

"Now, thanks to Clean Up the World's use of Google Maps, we have the tool to visually show the extent of the environmental action being undertaken around the world and motivate new communities to get involved in the campaign," he said.

Many of this year's activities will focus on limiting the impact of climate change under the campaign's theme "Start today?Save tomorrow ?Clean Up Our Climate."

"Climate change is the number one issue facing humanity at the turn of the 21st century," said UNEP Director-General Achim Steiner. "Lives are threatened as is the very fabric of all countries and communities. So let's all start today to save tomorrow."

The website, developed with the support of Google, will allow communities participating in this weekend's clean-up campaign to share their projects worldwide.

On the website, individual environmental projects are marked on a map of the world, and a click of the mouse provides users with a project's name, location and description.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.