綠色和平招募台灣辦公室幹部 | 環境資訊中心





  • 項目主任一名(一年合約,駐台北),負責推動目前最嚴峻的環境議題
  • 媒體與推廣主任一名(一年合約,駐台北),負責統籌與環境項目相關的媒體及公眾活動


  • § 策劃及統籌環境項目,參與改變地球面臨最嚴峻的環境問題
  • § 與全球形形式式的優秀綠色和平成員進行密切交流,體驗各種不同的文化,為全球性的環境項目奮鬥
  • § 管理及領導各種計畫,參與戰略與戰術的設計規劃,並付諸實踐
  • § 成為綠色和平的發言人, 於全球最具影響力的媒體上亮相及發表評論


  • 大學畢業或同等學歷
  • 最少兩年工作經驗(非政府組織、媒體、 或環保組織經驗優先)
  • 項目管理能力及經驗,包括有能力於不斷快速轉變的處境中,有效地調整策略
  • 於龐大壓力、對體力及精神的高度要求下工作及領導團隊
  • 擅於處理人際關係及團隊互動
  • 公開演說及表達的技巧或經驗
  • 對環境運動有承擔
  • 流利的英語及國語(會話及書寫)


ARE YOU READY for a challenging job in the world's leading environmental organisation? Greenpeace, the world's leading environmental organisation is looking for 2 bright and energetic individuals to join us and bring positive change to the world.

We are hiring (one-year contract):

  • - a Campaigner (based in Taipei) to tackle the most critical environmental issuesat stake
  • - a Communications Officer (based in Taipei) to conduct media and public work in support of campaign

Successful candidate will join a team of smart, fun, passionate and committed Greenpeacers, operating and engaging in the most cutting edge environmental forefront in the world.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to:

  • - Design and coordinate innovative campaigns to address the most challenging environmental problems the world is facing
  • - Meet a diverse range of quality Greenpeacers around the world, experience new cultures, strive for campaign victories of global relevance
  • - Manage and lead projects, develop strategies and tactics, put them into implementation and harvest the fruits of success
  • - Become a Greenpeace spokesperson, make appearance and give commentaries to some of the most influential media in the world

If you pose the following skills and qualifications, you can take on the challenge:

  • - Degree holder or equivalent qualifications
  • - Minimum 2 years working experience (preferably in NGOs, media, social or environmental movements)
  • - Project management skills and/ or experience, including proven ability to effectively adjust plans to rapidly changing circumstances
  • - Ability to operate and lead under pressure and in physically or mentally challenging situations
  • - Great interpersonal and teamwork skills
  • - Presentation and public speaking skills and/ or experience
  • - Demonstrable commitment to environmental movements
  • - Fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin

If you are ready, send us your full resume with current and expect salary to recruit.tw@greenpeace.org. All information will be kept confidential and used strictly for recruitment purposes.