聯合國環境規劃署2006年「地球鬥士獎」(Champions of the Earth)得主出爐,七名獲獎的環保人士中,包含了目前擔任環境組織負責人的前蘇聯領袖,以及伊朗第一位女性副總理。環保鬥士獎是2004年新成立的一個環保獎項,頒發給對環境保護有卓越貢獻或啟發的環保人士。透過領導能力、遠見和創造力,每位得獎人都在政策制定上有一定影響力。
- 衣索比亞的埃吉亞貝爾(Tewolde Gebre Egziabher),以對抗專制對生活的宰制、並在非洲倡導社區權利而榮膺鬥士之名。
- 新加坡的許通美,對環境法有所貢獻;曾任地球高峰會預備會議主席,以及聯合國海洋法移討會主席。
- 俄羅斯聯邦的戈巴契夫,國際環境政治領域的佼佼者,並努力化解全球水道問題的衝突。
- 古巴的內格林(Rosa Elena Simeon Negrin),為發展中小島國家問題奔走多年,並且是「全球思考、在地行動」思潮背後的支持者和推動者。
- 團體得主「婦女環境與發展組織」(WEDO),由美國前國會議員阿布札(Bella Abzug,1920-1998)和女性主義者兼記者凱貝爾(Mim Kelber,1922-2004)所創立。該團體過去15年來在婦女經濟、社會和性別權利議題上努力不懈,也是在環境與發展議題上倡議女性「培力」(empowerment)的明燈。
- 埃及的阿什雷(Mohamed El-Ashry),倡導自然資源的智慧(永續)利用,曾任全球環境基金(GEF)。GEF為資本額數十億美元的資助機構,以扶助發展中國家踏上永續發展道路為目標。
- 伊朗首位女性副總理埃卜特卡爾(Massoumeh Ebtekar),在推動石化業清潔生產機制方面有卓越成果。
A former Soviet leader who now heads an environmental organization and Iran's first female vice president are among seven environmental leaders named today as the 2006 Champions of the Earth by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The Champions of the Earth award, a new international environment award established in 2004, recognizes prominent and inspirational environmental leaders. Through leadership, vision and creativity, each has made an impact at the policy level.
No monetary reward is attached to the prize. Each laureate receives a trophy made of recycled metal designed by the Kenyan sculptor Kioko. The trophy represents the fundamental elements for life on Earth – sun, air, land and water.
The 2006 Champions of the Earth are:
- Tewolde Gebre Egziabher of Ethiopia, a champion against the patenting of life forms and for community rights in Africa.
- Tommy Koh of Singapore for his contributions to the cause of the environment by chairing the Earth Summit and the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea.
- Mikhail Gorbachev of the Russian Federation, a champion in the field of international environmental politics and for conflict prevention on waterways globally.
- Rosa Elena Simeon Negrin of Cuba, a champion of small island developing States and a subscriber and regional force behind the philosophy of "thinking globally and acting locally."
- The Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), established in 1990 by former U.S. Congresswoman Bella Abzug (1920-1998) and feminist activist and journalist Mim Kelber (1922-2004), a champion for over 15 years in the field of women's economic, social and gender rights and a beacon for the empowerment of women across the environment and development debate.
- Mohamed El-Ashry of Egypt, a champion for the wise use of natural resources and a former head of the multi-billion Global Environment Facility (GEF), which helps developing countries onto the sustainable development path.
- Massoumeh Ebtekar, Iran's first female vice president and a champion of cleaner production in the petrochemical industry.
For future Champions of the Earth awards, UNEP invites nominations from individuals who have made a significant and recognized contribution globally, regionally and beyond, to the protection and sustainable management of the Earth's environment and natural resources. Candidates are judged by a senior UNEP panel with input from UNEP's regional offices.