G8高峰會主題定調 新興國家共同因應氣候變遷 | 環境資訊中心

G8高峰會主題定調 新興國家共同因應氣候變遷

摘譯自2007年2月21日ENS美國 ,華盛頓特區報導;蘇家億編譯;蔡麗伶審校

G8高峰會將於2007年6月於德國海利根達姆舉行(圖片來源:G8;攝影:Thomas Grundner)在德國輪值主席國帶領下,全球八大工業國及5個新興經濟體(G8+5),預先訂出2007年6月於德國海利根達姆舉行的G8高峰會主題——全球暖化。15、16日在美國國會舉行的「氣候變遷暨能源安全國會議員論壇」,即是G8+5氣候變遷議員對話的一部份。會中有超過80位議員,以及來自於全球前20大能源消費國的政府官員參與,其中就屬5個新興經濟體——中國、印度、南非、墨西哥、巴西——的參與最為重要。因為這些國家身為溫室氣體主要排放者之列,他們的作為攸關減少排放量以抑制全球暖化的成敗。



Climate Change Key Issue for This Year's G8 Summit
WASHINGTON, DC, February 21, 2007 (ENS)

Senior legislators from the world's eight largest industrialized countries and five key emerging economies are shaping their policy statements on global warming in advance of this year's G8 Summit in June at the Baltic Sea resort of Heiligendamm, Germany. Germany currently holds the Presidency of the G8 group of nations. For two days last week, the lawmakers convened in the U.S. Congress for the Legislators Forum on Climate Change and Energy Security. The forum was part of the G8+5 Climate Change Legislators Dialogue in which more than 80 legislators and government officials from the 20 largest energy consuming countries participated. The participation of five emerging economies - China, India, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil - is important because they are some of the greatest greenhouse gas polluters, and their involvement in reducing emissions is crucial to success in limiting global warming.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the forum, saying in a video message, "The impact of climate change affects industrialized countries and emerging economies to the same extent. Protecting our economic future through innovation, energy efficiency and renewable energies is a global challenge."..."I have made this one of the priorities of the German EU and G8 Presidencies."
Chancellor Merkel said that at the upcoming G8 Summit she wants to highlight three elements of a climate strategy - a global and ambitious increase in energy efficiency, renewable energies and CO2-free power plants, and efficient economic incentives through a global carbon market.

The Legislators Forum on Climate Change ended Thursday with a statement endorsed by all participants and sent to Chancellor Merkel. They called for greenhouse gas emissions targets to be set by 2009 for the period after the current Kyoto Protocol targets expire in 2012. The Legislators Forum said it expects the G8 and +5 governments to identify, at the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, "a measurable long-term goal to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.