推廣綠色校園 夏威夷學校將廣設太陽能板 | 環境資訊中心

推廣綠色校園 夏威夷學校將廣設太陽能板

摘譯自2007年3月1日ENS夏威夷,檀香山報導;Nina L.編譯;莫聞審校




州長林歌(Linda Lingle)表示:「使用太陽能提供學校所需電力是一項創新的方法,對學校既定體制也是一大挑戰」。「學校建築用電量大,對州政府是一沉重的負擔,我非常希望立法募集資金支持這項計畫,來採用替代性能源來源,例如太陽能板系統。這樣一來可以減少夏威夷州對石化燃料進口的依賴,並幫助我們在2020年時,達到能源自生20%的目標。」

Sunny Hawaii Funds Solar Panels for Schools
HONOLULU, Hawaii, March 1, 2007 (ENS)

Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle has released $5 million for solar photovoltaic systems to be installed in at least one public school in each of the four major Hawaiian islands, as part of the state’s ongoing effort to increase energy self-sufficiency.

A two year pilot program to determine the cost-effectiveness of solar panel systems in schools throughout the state will begin in March.

The Department of Education will rate all public schools to determine the best locations to install the alternate energy systems, based on criterion such as solar mapping and area electrical rates.

The solar energy panels are expected to decrease the current use of power from the electrical grids, as well as feed energy back into the system to credit the usage account during times of low use, such as weekends, holidays and summer breaks.

Following the pilot program, the Department of Education will determine the cost effectiveness of the program and whether or not to expand to more schools statewide.

"Using solar energy to supply power to our schools is an innovative solution to one of the challenges in our school system," said Governor Lingle.

"The high cost of powering our school buildings is a major burden for our state, and I am encouraged that the legislature funded this program to use alternative energy sources such as the solar panel systems," she said. "These efforts will help decrease Hawaii’s dependence on imported fossil fuels and will help our state reach the goal of having 20 percent of our energy come from renewable sources by the year 2020."