歐盟制定新法 裝載重油需雙層船體始能進入歐港 | 環境資訊中心

歐盟制定新法 裝載重油需雙層船體始能進入歐港


Another tree falls in the Indonesian rainforest. (Photo courtesy Telapak)歐盟官員26日簽署一項法律要求,裝載的重油(heavy oil)的油輪需為雙層船體,才能夠進入歐洲港口,該項法律的簽署主要是針對1999年艾利卡號(Erika)油輪以及2002年「聲望號」(Prestige)油輪因為單層船體油輪所造成的重大油輪漏油事件,而作出的回應。

歐洲議會主席柏特林(Hans-Gert Pottering)和德國總統代表克洛瑟(Guenter Gloser)以及德國政府負責歐洲事務的國務部長,雙雙將歐洲議會與歐盟理事會規則簽署入法。柏特林表示,該項法律代表著對近海油輪意外的重要因應,同時也是使海洋與環境免受油輪漏油傷害的最佳保護。

Double Hulled Tankers for Heavy Oil Now Law in Europe
STRASBOURG, France, April 27, 2007 (ENS)

European officials Wednesday signed into law a requirement that only double hulled tankers carrying heavy oil can enter European ports. The law was enacted in response to disastrous oil spills from single hulled tankers the Erika in 1999 and the Prestige in 2002.

President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pottering, and Guenter Gloser, German Presidency representative and minister of wtate for European affairs in the German government, both signed the European Parliament and Council Regulation into law. Pottering said the law represents an important response to offshore tanker accidents and will lead to better protection of the seas and the environment from oil spills.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.