史上最大和解案 美電力公司以46億美元改善廢氣排放 | 環境資訊中心

史上最大和解案 美電力公司以46億美元改善廢氣排放





美國司法部環境暨天然資源部門的助理檢察長坦帕斯(Ron Tenpas)補充,美國電力公司至少需將二氧化硫與氧化氮的年度排放量減少至81萬3000噸,若未達成此一目標則需繳交罰金。美國環保署執法及稽查辦公室行政助理中山 (Grant Nakayama)表示,這個結果將使大西洋中部與美國東北部國家的空氣更為清淨,每年公眾健康支出也可望減少320億美元。

U.S. Considers Black-Footed Albatross for Endangered Listing
HONOLULU, Hawaii, October 9, 2007 (ENS)

One of the nation's largest electric utilities has agreed to spend $4.6 billion to reduce harmful air emissions from 16 coal-fired power plants, ending an eight year legal battle over alleged violations of the Clean Air Act.

Federal officials called the agreement with American Electric Power, AEP, the largest environmental settlement in U.S. history and said it would dramatically improve air quality in the eastern United States.
AEP noted that it has already spent more than $3 billion on new pollution controls and plans to spend another $2 billion on additional scrubbers and emission reducing equipment by 2010.

Tenpas added that there are penalties should AEP fail to comply with the settlement, which requires the company reduce and cap sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions by more than 813,000 tons annually.

The result will be cleaner air for mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states and should save some $32 billion annually in public health costs, said Grant Nakayama, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency assistant administrator for enforcement and compliance assurance.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.