阿布達比碳中和、無車城市計劃 布希預先聽取簡報 | 環境資訊中心

阿布達比碳中和、無車城市計劃 布希預先聽取簡報


美國總統布希與國務卿萊斯聽取馬斯代爾城永續城市的計劃。圖片來源:Eric Draper,the White House美國總統布希14日參觀了全球第一座零碳排放、零廢棄物及無車城市模型,位於波斯灣且擁有豐富石油和天然氣的阿拉伯聯合大公國,計劃在2009年開放這座建於沙漠上的環保永續城市。




美國企業和大學將會參與馬斯代爾城的興建和運作過程,美國CH2M HILL漢福德公司則擔任該計劃發展第一階段的管理顧問,並在計劃目標及標準的基礎上,統籌設計師、承包商及第三方的工作。

Bush Previews Abu Dhabi's Planned Carbon Neutral, Car Free City
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, January 14, 2008 (ENS)

President George W. Bush today saw a model of Masdar City - the world’s first zero carbon, zero waste, car free city. Plans call for the green, sustainable city to open by 2009 in the desert sands of this federation of Gulf states that have built their wealth on oil and natural gas.

After viewing a model of the proposed city at the Emirates Palace Hotel, President Bush said, "We just heard a briefing about how they're going to construct a city based entirely upon renewable energy. It will be an opportunity to see what works and what won't work, and an opportunity to share their technology with others."

The electricity for the six square kilometer Masdar City will be generated by photovoltaic panels, while cooling will be provided with concentrated solar power.

Drinking water will be provided through a solar-powered desalination plant. Landscaping within the city and crops grown outside the city will be irrigated with grey water and treated waste water produced by the city's water treatment plant.

U.S. companies and universities will participate in the building and operation of Masdar. The U.S. company CH2M HILL will be the program manager for the first phase of the development and will be responsible for technology integration and for aligning the efforts of the designers, contractors, and third parties with program goals and standards.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.