綠色團體向歐巴馬表示:「清淨能源能刺激經濟復甦」 | 環境資訊中心



美國為低收入戶設計省能家戶配備 Photo courtesy ORNL美國重要的環保團體領袖紛紛提出建言,只要透過投資清淨能源科技(clean energy technologies)以及加強環境保護,美國新任總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)將可望振興美國經濟,並且積極地對抗氣候變遷。


美國國家野生動物聯盟(National Wildlife Federation)主席席維格(Larry Schweiger)在一個電話會議中向記者表示,「我們的經濟以及環境現正遭受極大的困境,要解決這兩個問題必須同時並進。」


廣泛聯盟在一共391頁的報告中指提出,「創造更多綠領階級的工作、讓辦公室和住家更有效率、重建水利基礎建設、減少對石油的依賴、使景觀恢復生機等,這些方案都是可以直接促進經濟繁榮、社會更加平等、甚至強化國家安全的有效方法。」 省能汽車 (Photo by Keith Wipke courtesy NREL)

保育選民聯盟(League of Conservation Voters)主席金恩(Gene Karpinski)也指出,解決國家經濟問題的方法是一種新的『綠色經濟』,如果我們繼續停滯不前,不僅對地球有害,也不利於經濟發展。

這些資訊對於歐巴馬本身在能源和氣候變遷方面的一些言論也引起迴響,上個禮拜他承諾支持聯邦政府的碳總量管制與交易系統(carbon cap-and-trade system),而這將有助於在2020年將溫室氣體排放量減少至1990年代的水準,並且在2050年更進一步減少80%的溫室氣體排放量。



Clean Energy Can Fuel Economic Revival, Green Groups Tell Obama
WASHINGTON, DC, November 28, 2008 (ENS)

President-elect Barack Obama can revive the U.S. economy - and aggressively combat climate change - by investing in clean energy technologies and strengthening environmental protections, the leaders of major U.S. environmental groups advise.

The recommendation is a central part of a lengthy wish list of policies sent to Obama's transition team Tuesday by a broad coalition of 29 of the nation's leading environmental and conservation organizations, who also urged the president-elect to swiftly reverse "eight years of environmental neglect" under the Bush administration.

"Our economy is suffering and so is our environment," Larry Schweiger, head of the National Wildlife Federation told reporters on a conference call. "The solutions to both go hand in hand."

The groups contend that difficult economic times provide opportunities, rather than obstacles, to tackling the daunting issues of climate change, clean energy and environmental protection.

"Generating green collar jobs, making our offices and homes more efficient, rebuilding our water infrastructure, reducing our dependence on oil, reviving our ailing landscapes - these are solutions that can lead directly to economic prosperity, greater social equity and even enhanced national security," the coalition said in the 391-page report.

The solution to the nation's economic problems "is a new green economy," said Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters. "Delay is not just bad for the planet, it is bad for the economy."

That message echoes some of Obama's own rhetoric on energy and climate change - last week he pledged support for a federal carbon cap-and-trade system, that would mandate cutting greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and a further 80 percent by 2050.

Obama also outlined support for a $15 billion annual investment to support renewable energy and build a clean energy future, predicting the efforts would produce some five million new green jobs.

Those goals are in line with what environmentalists have long supported - a key reason the environmental groups are confident their agenda will now have a powerful advocate in the White House.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.