北達科塔水資源委員會助理工程師桑多(Todd Sando)向《俾斯麥論壇報》(Bismarck Tribune)表示,福克斯島(Fox Island)底下的冰塞在4月1日夜間消融。
法戈市現在必須要移除堆在堤壩上大約300萬個保護沙袋,並且由居民志工和北達科塔州國民警衛隊(North Dakota National Guard)共同協助完成。
北達科塔州國民兵副隊長David Sprynczynatyk少將2日表示,國民兵從冬季開始降雪的時候就已經投入並做好了防洪的準備。他說,我們透過全面性的行動規劃以確保在任何有需要的地方,我們都必須做好準備;但是他也說,即便如此,2009年洪水氾濫的程度還是一項主要的大挑戰。
The worst is over for North Dakota, at least for now. This morning, the level of the Missouri River in Bismarck dropped below seven feet, and emergency officials and residents were able to catch their breath.
Todd Sando, assistant state engineer for the North Dakota Water Commission, told the "Bismarck Tribune" that the ice jam below Fox Island broke up overnight Wednesday.
Sando said Friday the river stage in Bismarck was 6.97 feet, more than nine feet below where it crested at 16.09 feet on March 24, when 1,700 residents fled the floodwaters. The water temperature in the river is rising, he said, and more water is now flowing through the channel, reducing the flood potential.
In Fargo on the Red River, shops reopened Wednesday and residents went back to work. The Red River is still in flood stage, but it appears to have spared the city.
City and emergency officials want to see the river fall to 36 or 37 feet or lower. Late Wednesday, it was down to 36.98 feet - far above flood stage but below the top of the floodwalls, which are topped with five feet of sandbags.
Last Friday, hundreds of south Fargo residents fled their homes as the Red River rose to 40.66 feet, its highest level in 112 years and a crack appeared in a sandbag dike.
Fargo must now remove the roughly three million protective sandbags stacked atop the dikes by resident volunteers and the North Dakota National Guard.
Adjutant general of the North Dakota National Guard, Army Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, said Thursday that the Guard had anticipated and prepared for flooding from the winter snowfalls. "We went through an extensive planning exercise to ensure whatever was asked of us we would be prepared for," he said, adding that even so, the extent of this year's flooding was a major challenge.
Sprynczynatyk was speaking by teleconference with civilian and military Internet bloggers to detail the flood response efforts underway.