拉美原住民攜手對抗採礦業 | 環境資訊中心



 在採礦、氣候變遷與人民福祉的利馬論壇上的原民代表。圖片來自:Earthworks Action。 來自安第斯山脈、亞馬遜,和中美洲原民代表,11月18日至20日在祕魯國家博物館舉辦為期3天的「礦業、氣候變化和福祉」論壇,會中起草了利馬宣言。 共有376名原民和來自17個國家的相關參與者出席會議。


隨著原民代表發出利馬宣言,在秘魯南部省艾萊(Islay)出現緊張局勢,其社區成員試圖阻塞道路,抗議南方銅業公司的Tia Maria採礦計劃(Southern Copper Corporation's Tia Maria mine project),因為他們擔心這計劃會影響水質和農業。

25日,秘魯能源和礦業部再次邀請原民組織的代表,討論有關於採礦和能源活動,原民人民協商法規草案, 此草案於10月25日遵照憲法法院的命令發表。

在利馬論壇上,原民發出團結訊號。圖片來自:Earthworks Action。 「隨著西方消費的急劇增長,掠奪我們的自然資源和已開發國家的工業化已經產生了全球氣候危機,其中還有糧食危機。全球暖化的影響,使我們的生存權利變得更加脆弱,並改變了我們千年來一直依靠地球母親的生活方式。」聲明指出。



Indigenous Peoples in Latin America Unite Against Mining
LIMA, Peru, November 26, 2010 (ENS)

Indigenous representatives from the Andes, the Amazon, and Central America drafted the Lima Declaration at the three-day Forum on Mining, Climate Change and Well-being at the Museum of the Nation from November 18 through 20. It was attended by 376 indigenous and allied participants from 17 countries.

"Our territories full of life and harmony have been converted into territories of contamination and toxicity, territories of militarization and criminalization of struggles, territories of plunder and poverty because of pro-extractive policies guided by governments," the declaration states.

As the indigenous representatives issued the Lima Declaration, tensions intensified in Peru's southern province of Islay, where community members sought to block roads in protest of the Southern Copper Corporation's Tia Maria mine project, which they fear will impact water quality and agriculture.

On Thursday, the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines once again invited representatives of indigenous organizations to discuss the Draft Regulations for Consultation with Indigenous Peoples for the mining and energy activities, published October 25 in compliance with a Constitutional Court order.

"The exponentially growing Western consumption, the looting of our natural goods and the industrialization of the developed countries have generated a global climate crisis to which is joined a food crisis. The effects of global warming have increased the risks of vulnerability of our rights and are modifying our way of life that for millennia has depended on Mother Earth," the document states.

"Indigenous Peoples are those who contribute the least to global warming," the declaration states, "we are those who suffer its worst consequences and are excluded from the international negotiation processes and processes for defining national policies."

The signatory groups say they will carry out a Continental Mobilization on June 21, 2011 "in defense of life, for the reconstitution of Well-being (Buen Vivir), and for the full exercise of our rights in the face of mining impacts, the climate crisis and transnational corporations."


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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.