美國公投顯示 選民願增稅、花錢保育土地 | 環境資訊中心

美國公投顯示 選民願增稅、花錢保育土地


阿拉巴馬州北部的小藍鷺(攝影:Kathy Hicks)11月6日不只是美國總統選舉,同時全美國也有多項公投案在進行,根據非營利組織「公有地信託組織」(The Trust for Public Land,TPL)追蹤所有公投案的投票結果,統計顯示,選民不分黨派,壓倒性支持增加稅收、以及動支經費收購綠地等議題。



TPL主席Will Rogers表示,「我們看到從緬因州、德州到舊金山不同黨派的選民,投下贊成票表態支持增稅以助於社區保育。」無論是民主黨或共和黨的票倉,選民都投票贊成資助保育的公投議案。Rogers表示,「舉例來說,緬因州的投票者通過新的州內保育支出的同時,他們選出無黨籍的參議院代表。」

緬因州當選者Angus King在1995-2003年擔任州長,他以無黨籍的身份接替共和黨籍前參議員Olympia Snowe的位置。King支持永續及可再生能源。而緬因州選民也以62%贊成通過以500萬美元公債資助緬因土地未來保育計畫。


Rogers指出,「阿拉巴馬選民支持羅姆尼的同,時以壓倒性多數同意該州土地保育計畫,羅德島州投給歐巴馬同時,也通過收購該州空地的全州公債。」該項羅德島的公投案,是以2000萬美元公債收購空地及農地,並保護納拉乾西特灣(Narragansett Bay)水質。


11月6日進行投票的57項公投議案中,公有地信託基金會及保育運動(The Conservation Campaign)參與27項議案且其中24項議案通過,通過率為89%。過去20年來,公有地信託基金會支持議案的通過率最高為82%。


  • 麻州:9個麻州社區保護行動議案中有7個通過。選民以選票回應州議會允諾的基金。
  • 休斯頓:以壓倒性的票數(68%支持)同意1.66億美元公園公債用於完成城市河口綠色網路。
  • 舊金山:72%的選票同意1.95億城市公園公債用於公園改善及發展。
  • 科羅拉多州甘尼森郡:80%的選票同意增稅提供全郡的土地保護計畫500萬美元。
  • 蒙大拿州博茲曼市:以73%贊成、27%反對通過1500萬美元土地保育公債。
  • 俄勒岡州班德市、春田市:這兩地同意4900萬美元用於公園及自然區域。
  • 愛荷華州波爾克郡:該郡的選民以72%贊成通過5000萬美元公債,這筆錢將用於收購敏感區、綠色廊道土地及改善水質。
  • 德州艾爾帕索:75%的選民贊成2.45億美元的「生活品質公債」,經費將用於公園改善及城市重建。
  • 猶他州鹽湖郡:4700萬美元的公園小徑公債得到56%選民支持,將有助於改善快速成長的郡內公園及重建區。

詳細公投結果可參考網址 https://www.quickbase.com/db/bbqna2qct?a=dbpage&pageID=10

U.S. Voters Approve Conservation Ballot Measures Worth Billions
SAN FRANCISCO, California, November 12, 2012 (ENS)

Across the United States on November 6, voters of all political stripes gave overwhelming approval to tax themselves and spend money for new parks in their communities, according the nonprofit The Trust for Public Land, which has tracked these ballot measures.

Of the 57 measures on local and statewide ballots, 46 passed, an approval rate of 81 percent.

The measures in 21 states will provide more than $2 billion overall, including $767 million in new money to support protection of water quality, new parks and natural areas and working farms and ranches.

“From Maine to Texas to San Francisco, we saw voters across the political spectrum say ‘yes’ to taxes and spending for conservation which helps their communities,” said Will Rogers, president of The Trust for Public Land.

Whether voters placed Democrats or Republicans in elected office, they approved ballot measures to fund conservation.

“For example,” said Rogers, “in Maine, voters passed new spending for statewide conservation at the same time they elected an Independent to represent them in the United States Senate.”

Maine voters elected Angus King, who was governor of Maine from 1995 to 2003 as an Independent to fill the seat vacated by retiring Republican Senator Olympia Snowe. King is a supporter of sustainable and renewable energy.

Maine voters also approved funding for the Land for Maine’s Future conservation program, voting 62 percent in favor of a $5 million bond.

In Alabama, voters passed a 20-year renewal of the state’s successful Forever Wild land conservation program by 75 percent, which will mean $300 million for conservation. At the same time, Alabama went for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Rogers observed, “Alabama voters gave their state to Mitt Romney at the same time they overwhelmingly renewed a statewide land conservation program, while Rhode Island voted for President Obama at the same time a statewide bond for open space was approved.”

Rhode Island voters passed a $20 million bond to acquire open space and farmland, and to protect water quality in Narragansett Bay.

“This shows that while we may hold differing views about political offices, one thing which unites us all is the desire to build parks and protect land and water in our communities,” said Rogers.

Of the 57 measures on the November 6 ballots, The Trust for Public Land and The Conservation Campaign were active in 27 and won 24, an approval rate of 89 percent. Over the past 20 years, The Trust for Public Land has had an approval rate of 82 percent.

Founded in 1972, The Trust for Public Land has protected more than three million acres from the inner city to the wilderness and helped generate more than 34 billion in public funds for conservation.

Other conservation ballot measures approved by voters include:

  • Massachusetts – Seven of the nine Massachusetts Community Preservation Act measures were approved in towns across the state. Massachusetts voters responded to the State Legislature’s pledge of more CPA state matching funds.
  • Houston – Houston voters overwhelmingly approved a $166 million park bond to complete the city’s bayou greenways network. It passed with 68 percent approval.
  • San Francisco – A $195 million city park bond won 72 percent approval, providing new money for park improvements and development.
  • Gunnison County, Colorado – Voters gave 80 percent approval to renew a sales tax supporting the county land conservation program, which will provide almost $5 million.
  • Bozeman, Montana – By a 73-27 margin, voters passed a $15 million land conservation bond.
  • Bend and Springfield, Oregon – These two Oregon communities approved park district measures, which will mean $49 million for parks and natural areas.
  • Polk County, Iowa – Voters in this county, which includes Des Moines, passed a $50 million bond by 72 percent. The money will pay for buying land to protect sensitive areas, connect greenways, and improve water quality.
  • El Paso, Texas – Voters gave 75 percent approval to a $245 million quality-of-life bond, which includes money to buy land and improve parks and recreation in the city
  • Salt Lake County, Utah – A $47 million regional parks and trails bond won passage with 56 percent approval. It will help develop parks and recreation areas in the fast-growing county.

Click here for complete conservation ballot measure results.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.